Vinyl Art Exposition

Vinyl Expo Poster

Júlio is always cooking up new things.  He just sent us this announcement of an art exposition, to be held tomorrow in a space that the Nova10Ordem crew uses as an alternative site for contemporary art in the Pelourinho.  Various artists have contributed to this collective showing of works that all use vinyl records for their medium.  It starts at 7 PM and there will be caipirinhas for only 50 cents (of a Brazilian real). 

oque: Expo vinil
alguns artistas levam seus trabalhos ate os discos de vinil em uma coletiva
horario: 19:00
data:terça feira
onde:no espaço da nova 10 ordem no pelourinho

rua das laranjeiras em cima do bar do reggae ao lado da botique do ylê

caipirinha apartir de 50 cents

novo local alternativo para a arte  contemporanea

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