Teatro Máscara Ritual Performance at ICBIE

Teatro Máscara Ritual Performance

After Thursday’s presentation-exhibition and Friday’s Cineforum, last night’s Commedia dell’Arte performance Chimici Comici Alchemici represented the culmination of the ICBIE’s share of the Teatro Máscara Ritual Festival, presented by Cia Buffa de Teatro and Bottega Buffa CircoVacanti.  The four talented ladies (two Brazilians and two Italians), with their colorful costumes and bizarre masks, presented a rapid-fire show, delighting a big crowd that packed the ICBIE patio on a perfect evening, with a giant moon rising over the bay.  In particular, the many children in the audience responded to the performance with astonishment and elation, enthusiastically applauding every scene.  

Teatro Máscara Ritual Performance Teatro Máscara Ritual Performance

Teatro Máscara Ritual Performance Teatro Máscara Ritual Performance

Teatro Máscara Ritual Performance

Teatro Máscara Ritual Performance Teatro Máscara Ritual Performance

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