Splashes on the Net


It’s always great when ICBIE events receive attention, after all the work that we put into them.  For that reason, the discovery of a new Brazilian art blog with wonderful in-depth articles about our last two events comes as a very pleasant surprise, a reassurance that our efforts are not in vain.  Called acasoARTE (http://acasoarte.wordpress.com/), the site is run by a young journalist named Maria Dourado, who clearly wishes to survey art from a socio-political point of view, and that would explain her interest in our work.

Two separate articles review the collective exposition and last night’s evening dedicated to Mayan culture with the artist Antún Kojtom Lam, complete with photos by Marcella and there are even video interviews with Pietro and Julio!

Pietro - acasoARTE

Obrigado, Maria!

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