For the second consecutive Christmas Eve, the crowded and sprawling area of Massaranduba was visited by three ICBIE Santas, Pietro, Alberto and Roy, who distributed gifts to the children of this impoverished (and often desperately violent) area of Salvador. But behind the scenes, the generosity of three people made this joyous event possible: Mary Norris, who kept a collection box on her desk at the New Yorker magazine for the last twelve months; Giovanna Carnosa, who led a group of kids, fundraising in Pescara, Italy; and longtime supporter Veronique Gob, who is currently staying at the ICBIE with her family. And then there were our artists Julio, Bigode, Marcos, and the crew from Nova10Ordem, along with all the ICBIE volunteers, who prepared the event and gathered everyone together.
One by one, the children were called by name to come up to collect their present, as well as a bag of sweets. Afterward, there were cakes and refreshments, while the delighted kids played with their new toys.
Uma resposta para “Santa Comes to Massaranduba!”
Did you mix up Santa with i pagliacci? Divertitevi! Bom Natal!