Santa Arrives in Massaranduba

Santa in Massaranduba,

The economic crisis weighs on everybody, but the ICBIE continues to sieze every opportunity to bring hope and joy to the local community.  To celebrate Christmas, Pietro became Babbo natale and led an expedition into the distressed neighborhood of Massaranduba, which, poised between Ribeira and Uruguai, is a ten minute walk from the Institute.  He was accompanied by Julio and Bigode, Veronique, and, celebrating their second consecutive Christmas at the ICBIE, the five members of the Fabozzi family from Rome (Salvatore, Emanuela, Francesca, Alice and Gabriele).  The small children that swarmed to meet them along the broken streets screamed with excitement.  The procession arrived at Lu’s house and her daughters Lais and Thaiane joined the party.

Santa in Massaranduba  Santa in Massaranduba

Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba

Santa in Massaranduba Santa in Massaranduba

View of Alagados from Massaranduba

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