Report from ICBIE Fashion Week

ICBIE Fashion Week


(English translation below)

Sabato 11 dicembre si é conclusa con una ricca ed interessante serata, la settimana della moda organizzata all´ICBIE dalle nostre amiche e collaboratrici: Monica, Thais e Veronique. Dopo l´interessante e provocatorio seminario di giovedi (9 dicembre) a proposito di moda tenuto dal nostro presidente, professore Pietro Gallina e la proiezione del film (venerdi 10) Coco Avant Chanel sapientemente introdotto e commentato da Veronique (ottima conoscitrice della vita della famosa stilista), é stata la volta della sfilata di moda e non solo.

Tre giovani e belle modelle della scuola “Park Model School” di Salvador, sapientemente coordinate da Veronique, Monica e Thais hanno indossato gli abiti creati durante il workshop del 4 dicembre, abiti notevoli ottenuti dal riapprofittamento creativo di semplici t-shirt di cotone colorate!!!  Gli stessi abiti indossati dalle stesse modelle erano i protagonisti dell´esposizione fotografica realizzata nel salone principale dell´ICBIE. Nella sala difronte la biblioteca era allestita l´esposizione di riviste italiane di moda degli anni ´60, collezione rara e preziosa facente parte naturalmente del patrimonio della Biblioteca Internazionale Leonardo da Vinci. Nello spazio hapkido un allestimento super interessante ripercorreva attraverso immagini, foto e ritagli giornalistici gli eventi piú significativi degli anni ´60 (dal discorso di Martin Luther King alla guerra del Vietnam, dalla costruzione del Muro di Berlino all´uccisione di Kennedy, ecc) tutto sapientemente condito da immagini scattate durante il workshop, il maquillage delle modelle, ecc.

E per concludere buffet, capirinha (grazie Bogus per l´energia propulsiva della tua caipirinha!!!) e musica, tanta musica suonata e cantata (Marlene ha dominato con le sue ottime interpretazioni e la sua splendida voce!!).

Un modo interessante, divertente e, come sempre volto a promuovere la cultura, per chiudere ufficialmente le attivitá dell´anno 2010, sperando che il prossimo anno possa essere sempre piú ricco di eventi altrettanto interessanti.

Un grazie a tutto lo staff ICBIE per le attivitá di quest´anno ed in particolare a Veronique, Monica e Thais per la realizzazione dell´intera settimana della moda.


(fotografie di Paranaguá)

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

With the gala evening on Saturday, December 11th, the Fashion Week organized at the ICBIE by our friends and collaborators Monica, Thais and Veronique came to an end.  After the interesting and provocative seminar on Thursday (December 9th) led by our president, Professor Pietro Gallina, and, on Friday the 10th,  the projection of the film Coco Avant Chanel, masterfully introduced and commented by Veronique (who knows everything about the life of the famous designer), came the turn for the fashion show and all the rest.

Three beautiful young models from the “Park Model School” of Salvador, expertly coordinated by Veronique, Monica and Thais, wore the clothes that had been created during the workshop on December 4th, all of which were made by simply re-adapting colored cotton t-shirts!!!  The dresses, worn by the same models, were the protagonists of the photography exhibition that was shown in the main hall of the ICBIE.  In the library entrance hall there was an exposition of Italian fashion magazines from the 1960s, a rare and precious collection that naturally is part of the patrimony of the Leonardo da Vinci International Library.  In the hapkido space was a super interesting presentation of the most significant events of the ’60s (from the speeches of Martin Luther King to the war in Vietnam, the construction of the Berlin Wall, the assassination of Kennedy, etc.) through images, photos, and newspaper clippings that were cleverly spiced with images taken from the workshop, the models putting on their makeup, etc.

And to end it all, there was a buffet with caipirinha (thanks to Bogus for the propulsive energy of his caipirinhas!!!) and music, a lot of music played and sung (Marlene dominated with her great interpretations and her splendid voice!!).

An interesting and fun way to once again promote culture, to close officially the activities of the year 2010, hoping that next year can be even more rich with events.

A big thank you to all the staff of the ICBIE for the activities of this year, and in particular, to Veronique, Monica and Thais for the realization of the entire Fashion Week.


Photos by Paranaguá

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

ICBIE Fashion Week ICBIE Fashion Week

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