Plans for Coming Months

Pietro making decisions

Yesterday afternoon, the ICBIE  crew (Pietro, Marlene, Roy, Julio, Val, Giovanna and Bogus) got together for an intense brainstorming session, ironing out the calendar of events for the coming semester.   Such advance planning is particularly important, as we often have to contact people on different continents and make travel arrangements, as well as the ordinary administration duties.

Here is a list of the major events that we have planned:

  • The third ICBIE Cineforum, to be held every Wednesday starting August 6th.  The first six films will be international classics, while the rest of the cycle (running until December) will feature Italian cinema, as a supplement for our Italian courses.
  • A Workshop for the Elaboration of Cultural Projects, an initiative of the Bahia State Government under the supervision of the Cultural Foundation of the State of Bahia, with eighteen sessions held in fifteen different locations around the state.  The ICBIE will host the final workshop on August 30 and 31.
  • The first annual International Meeting of Graffiti Artists, to be held from 13-20 September, with the patronage of the Italian Institute of Culture in Rio, The Italian Consulate in Salvador and various private sponsors, with foreign artists from France, Spain, Switzerland, and Chile, as well as Brazilians from Rio, Sao Paulo and Salvador.
  • The first annual ICBIE Photography Competition, open to local shutterbugs. (Date to be announced)
  • An event to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the Italian Constitution. (Date to be announced)
  • An exposition of the works of Italian artist Guido Daniele. (Date to be announced)

In addition, we will be persuing the following fundraising initiatives:

  • A Pianoforte for the Favela, a subscription drive to buy a concert grand piano.
  • The ICBIE Theater Project, to raise money for the construction of our theater.
  • Promotion of D’Artagnan Exhibitions in Amsterdam and Frankfurt, scheduled for May and June, 2009.

Finally, here is a full list of the official ICBIE course offerings for the second semester, beginning August 23rd.

Computer Science

  • Beginning Course in Information Technology
  • Computer Maintenance and Configuration
  • Computer Graphics
  • 3D Modeling

Italian Language – Italian I, II, III and IV

Basic English Language

Art Courses

  • Drawing and Design
  • Serigraphy (silkscreening, for making T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.)

Hapkido (different levels for different ages)

The unprecedented richness of this calendar of events and courses will offer a wonderful range of opportunities for the local community—and will keep everyone at the ICBIE very busy!

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