June 21 or 22: ICBIE benefit in Rome!

Last June, at the Angelo Mai social center (now sadly closed), a benefit event was held to mark the opening of a Roman office for the ICBIE.  Its success was twofold: it proved to be a lucrative source of funds, but it was also great to see all the Italian ICBIE supporters together in one place.  So this year, Pietro has arranged a bigger show, and it will be held at the Casa del Jazz (Viale di Porta Ardeatina, 55  00153 Roma Tel. 06 704731  www.casajazz.it).  There will be music, food, and a chance to hear the latest ICBIE news directly from Pietro Gallina himself.  A participation fee (minimum contribution five Euros) will benefit the ICBIE directly, so bring all your friends! In the next few days he will decide between Thursday, June 21 or Friday, June 22, and the precise date will be posted here.  At any rate, mark your calendars now, and plan to attend!

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