ICBIE Regatta Party

ICBIE Regatta Party

Today’s gorgeous sunny weather was a perfect backdrop for the third tap of the 2008 Bahia Rowing Championship and once again, the Rowing Federation of Bahia used the ICBIE as the site for its luncheon party, seeing as we are located across the street from the judges’ box.  Sponsored by the Bahia State Government, the City of Salvador and various private organizations, this  is the largest nautical sporting event in Bahia, and by offering our hospitality, we will receive in return their support for other ICBIE cultural initiatives.

ICBIE Regatta Party ICBIE Regatta Party

ICBIE Regatta Party

Ribeira Regatta Ribeira Regatta

Not only did the ICBIE host the Rowing Federation’s party, but our back courtyard provided the Brazilian Mounted Police horses a quiet and shady place to relax!

Police Horses relaxing at ICBIE

When it came time to award the prizes for the winning teams, Roy Zimmerman was called to present the medals, and to our surprise, one of the trophies bore the name of ICBIE President Pietro Gallina!

Roy presents medals to the winning team Regatta winners

Pietro Gallina Trophy

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