ICBIE Party in Rome Next Wednesday


Amidst all the political, social and economic turmoil, here is some good news coming out of Italy!  Despite the government crisis and the remarkable demonstrations, ICBIE Europe still manages to focus on its courageous mission, and in doing so, provides our Roman friends with an opportunity to gather together, clinging to our ideals, defying the freezing temperatures and enjoying an evening full of Brazilian warmth and optimism.

Next Wednesday, starting at 8 PM, we’ll all be at the Beba do Samba (Via de’ Messapi 8 – San Lorenzo) for an ICBIE benefit, a Christmas “AperiSAMBA.”  First there will be drinks and food accompanied by a DJ set with our ever faithful DJamião, and then at 10:30 there will be live music and dancing with RODA BRAZIL… choro, chorinho, samba and bossanova.

At the same time, we will offer an opportunity for last minute shoppers to pick up some perfect Christmas gifts, with Brazilian handicrafts and the new 2011 ICBIE Calendars.

All of this for just a €10 entrance fee.  Don’t miss it!  Spread the word!

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