Aratu TV - Berlin Wall Event

Pietro just posted this link on facebook, and it seems appropriate to share it here, too.  The local Salvador television, Aratu, made this video of the Berlin Wall event in the Pelourinho last week, and there are priceless interviews with O Presidente, Julio and Bigode.  Don’t miss it!


Important addition:  The new ICBIE volunteer Ben Pfannl just added a comment to this article with a link to his video of the Arte Cosciente percussionists, as they played at the Berlin wall event in the Pelourinho.  It seemed a pity to leave it buried in the comments, so here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIIrBn7Wkho  Ben was a student at AOSR in Rome and he will be staying in Ribeira for six weeks.  Thanks!

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