After their busy sojourn in Italy, for Pietro, Marlene and Julio the time to return home is rapidly approaching, but there’s time to organize one more big bash before they go. This Sunday evening at 8PM, there will be a good-bye churrasco at the Villetta (Via Passino, 24, in Garbatella), for all the Roman supporters of the ICBIE. Besides the Brazilian-style barbecue, Julio will do yet one more live painting, Bahian handicrafts will be displayed, the two new documentaries on D’Artagnan and Ribeira das Artes will be shown, and Monica Bernardi will present her beautiful photo exhibit, made together with the young Andrea Ceci.
To raise funds for the ICBIE, portions of churrasco will be sold at €10, and we will accept donations for the two pressing ICBIE projects: the “Pianoforte for the favela” and the construction of the cinema/theater. Spread the word and don’t miss it!
Uma resposta para “ICBIE Churrasco in Rome”
Amici, perchè non sono in Rome?
Per favore, la signorina Monica Bernardi, giá ha le CD di Olodum?