ICBIE and Rhythm of Hope, Face to Face

ICBIE LogoRhythm of Hope Logo

Yesterday, after more than ten months of intense collaboration, conducted exclusively by means of emails and telephone calls, the directors of the ICBIE and Rhythm of Hope were finally able to meet face to face.  Phillip Wagner had just come to Salvador from Indiana, and one of his first priorities was to meet with Pietro Gallina, to discuss the many projects that the two organizations have developed during the past year.  Phillip was accompanied by his wonderful assistant Puneet Rau, while Pietro was able to rely upon the support of his wife Marlene and ICBIE Honorary President Roy Zimmerman (who also recently arrived from Rome, Italy).

Keeping with the venerable ICBIE tradition, the heart of the discussion took place over a sumptuous banquet of pasta and fish (prepared by Pietro and our wonderful Lu while Roy took Phillip and Puneet on a tour of the ICBIE facilities).  Among the many issues that were raised, we talked about the status of our joint application to Engineers Without Boarders for the construction of our theater, and also the plans for opening a Rhythm of Hope office within the ICBIE compound.

Of course, direct personal contact permitted us to hash out all the details of these complex projects; the meeting was viewed as a complete success and we are looking forward to many future get togethers during the coming weeks, as long as Phillip and Roy remain in Brazil.

Phillip Wagner

Phillip Wagner

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