Claire’s News from Mozambique

Claire in Mozambique

As the ICBIE story unfolds, its legacy deepens through the many people who have helped us over the years.  Nothing gives us more pleasure than to see young and idealistic people, who have worked with us in Ribeira, build upon the skills that they honed at the ICBIE, as they confront, with redoubled energy, other challenging realities in the Third World.

Only one year ago, our wonderful volunteer Claire was just getting ready to begin her big adventure in Brazil, after a long mentoring by Phillip Wagner of Rhythm of Hope, who sent her our way.  As a young college student, her experience at the ICBIE  was a life-changing experience, and she has remained close to our community.  But she was determined to continue her adventures, and for the last five months, she has been working in Mozambique (where she has continued to improve her Portuguese).

She has a beautiful blog where she recounts her new experiences, in her inimitable way, in both English and Portuguese:

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