The Story Instinct – Final Ceremony
Last Saturday afternoon marked the final stage of the Story Instinct Project, led by Tess, Sabika and Tubarão, who have been holding workshops with the children of several disadvantaged areas of Salvador. The artworks and photographs were shown at the ICBIE (after two previous exhibitions in neighborhoods where the project was working), speeches were made…
The Story Instinct Exposition
After months of hard work, Tess and Sabika are ready to show off the drawings and photos of their students in the poor districts of Uruguai and Massaranduba, where, for the last three months, they have been conducting their Story Instinct project. The exposition will open tomorrow at 7 PM at the School of Fine Arts…
Oficina de Rua Happening September 12th
OFICINA DE RUA – MUTIRÃO 12 DE SETEMBRO (English translation below) La seconda fase del Progetto Oficina de Rua é in pieno svolgimento con la realizzazione degli atelier di disegno per bambini nei quartieri di Uruguay, Massaranduba, Saramandaia e Ribeira. Proprio a Ribeira nell’occupazione del movimento dei Sem Teto, dove si sta svolgendo il laboratorio di…
A Full House!
(English translation below) QUANTE PRESENZE ALL’ICBIE!!!!!! E´ormai molto tempo che tra andate e ritorni “freqüento” questo meraviglioso incrocio di vie e di persone che é il nostro Istituto. Ma mai come in questo momento l’ICBIE é stato pieno di ospiti a loro modo originali e impegnati in maniera ciascuno diversa a riempire le loro giornate…
ICBIE at the International Short Film Festival – Trevignano
Last night, thanks to the efforts of two talented and resourceful young women, the ICBIE story reached a new audience of filmmakers and cinephiles during the opening ceremony of the 15th International Short Film Festival “La cittadella del corto” in Trevignano romano, on the shores of Lake Bracciano. Tess Deeks and Sabika Shah Povia worked…
A Romantic ICBIE Evening
These talented young ladies, who enigmatically prefer to call themselves Word and Image, will be teaching an innovative course at the ICBIE, starting in August. They are already doing brilliant work, promoting the ICBIE and their project, The Story Instinct. This is Word’s description of a delightful fund raising party they held in Trevignano, north…