News from Paranaguá
Foreign Tourists visit the MAE News of vacationers in Salvador, the foreign couple Stephen Witton and Renate Kuby, an Englishman and an German lady, visited the installations of the Embasa Archeological Museum (MAE) during last Tuesday morning, July 8th. In agreement with the director of the MAE, José Paranaguá, the couple praised the visit,…
Sport & Recreation Meeting Hosted by the ICBIE
Diretoria de Esporte e Lazer no ICBIE (Italian and English translations below) Na ultima quinta feira, dia 26 de setembro, o ICBIE hospedou a reunião da Diretoria de Esporte e Lazer da Secretaria de Educação da Prefeitura de Salvador. O tema em pauta foi: “Esporte em debate – Encontros para proposição da Política de Esportes…
Pietro’s Dinner for Italians in Bahia
Another big effort, for the first Encounter of ITALIANS IN BAHIA at the ICBIE, which took place on the evening of Monday, the 18th of March, with with beautiful weather of summer’s end, and it was a success. About fifty people, almost all of them new acquaintances, Italian workers and owners of tourist agencies, hotels,…
Carnival Time
Summertime in Bahia is full of festivities, beginning with Christmas and ending with Carnival. In between, on the 2nd of February, Salvador celebrates the Festa de Iamanjá, honoring the most important orixa goddess in Afro-Brazilian culture. For the occasion this year, our friend Paranaguá organized an outing with the ICBIE crowd, and a good time…
Festival of Food and Culture in Ribeira
FESTIVAL GASTRONÔMICO DA RIBEIRA E CORTEJO CULTURAL Foi um sucesso o I Festival Gastronômico da Ribeira que aconteceu de 02 a 09/12 . No evento, houve a apresentação dos diversos pratos típicos que homenagearam os 12 estádios da Copa do Mundo 2014, além de Pituaçu e Barradão. Tendo como parceiros Secopa e Sebrae, o Festival…
Lunch at Paranaguá’s
Our dear friend Paranaguá sent this sweet note. (English translation below) “Ontem (dia 6), recebemos com muita alegria os amigos italianos Danielle Messina e Pietro Gallina e a francesa Veronique Job para um almoço em nossa residência. Danielle que retornou nessa madrugada para Frankfurt e, Veronique, figuras admiráveis, foram nossos anfitriões durante o período em…
Where’s the Beauty? – Photography by Marco Illuminati
Marco Illuminati is a dear friend of the ICBIE in Salvador. His passion for photography is wed with his deep understanding of the city’s most difficult areas, and his work aims to capture the depth of human emotions he has encountered there, despite the terrible emargination caused by poverty and the lack of education. …
A Word of Thanks
Nel suo ultimo viaggio in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, Pietro ha raccolto, come sempre, dimostrazioni di solidarietá e tanta voglia di collaborazione da parte di vecchi e nuovi sostenitori del progetto ICBIE. Vogliamo, per tanto, ringraziare per il loro contributo e per continuare a credere nel progetto sociale e culturale dell´ICBIE, i nostri amici:…
Júlio & Bigod on TV
Well, here is an exciting bit of news! Our wonderful artists Júlio and Bigod have been interviewed by Rede Bahia TV, and they dominate the entire second half of this video! http://video.globo.com/videos/redebahia-aprovado/v/conheca-a-arte-do-grafite/1652462/ There are also some wonderful shots of their work in Ribeira. Enjoy!
Sunday with Paranaguá
Alarm clocks rang early to awake Marcella, Ivanildo, Pietro, Roy & Silvia for their Sunday trip to the Bahian outback. By 9 o’clock we were in Santo Amaro, a historic town known also as the birthplace of Caetano Veloso, and after a quick walk around the center and a coffee (OK, there was a shot…