Categoria: ICBIE news

  • Bogus Arrives in Rome

    An overload of rather uncanny and exhilarating incongruities shook the eternal city last night. First there was a terrible tramontana that transformed the scenes on the streets, and the usual leisurely bustle of Saturday evening shoppers was forced to scuttle along quick, with chattering teeth and exaggerated winter apparel. When the thermometer slips below freezing,…

  • Bridge to Bahia Toy Sale at AOSR

    From kindergarten to twelfth grade, the American Overseas School of Rome spurs all its students to share their human resources to fight poverty and ignorance, and to tackle the injustices of the global economic divide. Instead of superficially plowing the platitudes of the world’s tragedies, AOSR chose instead to form a meaningful relationship with a…

  • A Special ICBIE Wedding

    With Bogus safely on the plane to Europe, it’s time to recount another sweet ICBIE story, one that also helps to acknowledge a wonderful lady who has become an essential part of the Institute. Everyone who has visited the ICBIE during the last couple of years has come to love Lu, our quiet and reserved…

  • Bigode’s Italian Memories

    No dia 22 de setembro (julio e bigode )esperavamos na fila do embarque com um atrazado de 3 horas para embarca para nossa primeira viagem internacional, na bagagem so levávamos duas coisas uma era que iríamos representar o nosso Brasil e a nossa cultura, e a outra era que com muita intensidade iríamos colocar em…

  • ICBIE Puts a Fresh Face Forward

    The restoration of our front facade is nearly completed. Pietro couldn’t wait to show off the results, because it looks terrific!       

  • Grassroots is great, but…

    As the ICBIE performs its mission, it confronts the social reality of the cidade baixa with a profound admiration, respecting the native traditions that sustain it, even amidst enormous challenges. Primarily, we work for an empowerment of its youth by means of a reinforcement, rather than a reformation or an annulment, of their cultural heritage.…

  • Assorted ICBIE Tidbits

    The ever-growing ICBIE network is producing news that comes from many different places, and there’s never a dull moment. The operation in Salvador and the people in Rome are constantly cooking up new initiatives, and then there are other developments spattered across the globe: it’s clear evidence of a remarkable rush of vitality. The first…


    Prendo spunto da una email inviatami dal mio attentissimo ex allievo David Angelelli che oggi è una delle colonne portanti dell’ICBIE-Roma, il quale ha rilevato l’errore commesso nello scrivere la locandina di presentazione del nostro CINEFORUM, in cui risulta che Massimo Troisi è un regista. Effettivamente tutti sanno che Troisi è stato un grande attore,…

  • New ICBIE Cineforum

    After the successful film cycle that was presented last July and August, Pietro has assembled a new series.  This time the subject is The Masters of  Italian Cinema, and it is intended primarily for our many Italian students, as the films will be shown in the original language, without subtitles in Portuguese.  The cycle will…

  • A Facelift and Some Growing Pains

    At the ICBIE, the throngs of students are matched by a large number of workmen and laborers, who are working on two big projects.  One crew is busy mounting scaffolding, scraping and repainting the front facade.  Although completely restored only two years ago, the pristine paint job had been gravely compromised by the corrosive salt…