Categoria: ICBIE news

  • ICBIE Benefit in Switzerland

    Thanks to the efforts of our friend Phillip Wagner at Rhythm of Hope in the United States, tomorrow night there will be an important ICBIE Benefit Concert in the Swiss city of Schaffhausen! Actually, Phillip pressed upon his friend Fränzi Ruef to organize the event, and she solicited the help of Mike Saxer, who happens…

  • The ICBIE Opened its Doors to the Ribeira Community

    L´ICBIE ha aperto le porte alla comunità di Ribeira (English translation below) In occasione della 2° Etapa do Campeonato Baiano de Remo 2008 l’ICBIE ha aperto i suoi spazi agli spettatori della Regata che si è svolta qui davanti, nelle acque della Baia a partire dalle 10 di domenica mattina. Tanta gente che nel consueto…

  • Marcella Writes from Ribeira

    This long letter recounts the latest news from the ICBIE, where four volunteers are working hard. (English translation below!) Le attivita´ all´ICBIE non si arrestano mai. Sono arrivata 10 giorni fa a Ribeira, inutile descrivere l´emozione di rivedere i luoghi ed i volti incontrati qui gia´l´anno scorso. Nulla e´cambiato, solita calorosa accoglienza, soliti sorrisi e…

  • Julio at the Roma Camp

    ICBIE artist Julio Costa is certainly having plenty of adventures during his European tour. After his exciting morning in Anguillara on Sunday morning (and his first experience of roast artichokes in Campagnano that afternoon), he accompanied Pietro and Roy to Rome on Monday, to join our great friends Guido and Paolo at the national headquarters…

  • Julio Charms the Basketball Players

      ICBIE artist and ambassador Julio Costa arrived in Rome Saturday night, and early Sunday morning, he hopped a train up to the lovely town of Anguillara Sabazia, which is perched on a hill above Lake Bracciano.  He was met at the station by ICBIE founders Pietro Gallina and Roy Zimmerman, who whisked him off…

  • More Photos of the Salvador Grafita Tour

     A big new horde of photos are up on the ICBIE Photo Gallery. They document the whole Salvador Grafita tour, with scenes from Paris, Limburg, Wiesbaden, Barcelona and Rome.  Follow this link. This is the poster advertising the Salvador Grafita event in Barcelona.

  • More Salvador Grafita Pictures

    With the tour over, there are still many gaps that remain to be documented, but at least, thanks to a batch of photos that arrived this morning from the group’s photographer Paranaguá in Salvador, our readers can make their first impressions of the important stop in Barcelona. Julio at work. Lee at work. Pinel’s work.…

  • Salvador Grafita Artists at AOSR

    Yesterday morning, when Pietro and the three Brazilians entered the school gates, it was like a homecoming. With its Bridge to Bahia project now in its second year, The American Overseas School has built a thick web of friendships with people from the ICBIE and the city of Salvador. Three AOSR teachers have worked at…

  • Pictures from Paris

    With the team on the road following a hectic schedule, it’s difficult to get news about the tour of the Salvador graffiti artists, and only now have a few pictures (with no description of what they depict) from the first stop, Paris, arrived. Fortunately, it is easy to infer that we’re looking at a portrait…

  • The Bahians Hit Germany

    News of the Salvador Grafita European tour is beginning to trickle in. The sojourn in Paris was packed full of exciting activities, including a visit to a prestigious private art school near the Bastille and a meeting with a group of writers from the banlieues. When pictures and more detailed news arrive, they will be…