Categoria: ICBIE news

  • First Impressions from Louise, Our New English Teacher

    OK – This is the first time that I have been to Brazil and I have the greatest classes of people – so very diverse, young 14 and old 61. Students and teachers, mothers and fathers, all together speaking English. There are about 10 to 15 students in each of my two basic classes each…

  • A Flurry of Comings and Goings

    It’s that time of year; schools are out in the northern hemisphere, and it seems like everyone is flying all over the world, despite the economic pinch and stratospheric fuel costs.  Just to keep track of everyone is quite a task! ICBIE President Pietro Gallina, after his brief stay in Salvador in the wake of…

  • Julio’s Art on Italian National Television!

    Tonight’s evening news on the Italian National Television’s Third Channel showed a very positive story about a Roman gypsy camp, and, given the tensions in Italy’s political discourse about law and order (which have led to random incendiary attacks and severe police repression of the Roma communities), that would be, in itself, a welcome novelty. …

  • A New Ribeira Blog

    Even though most of the tourists who explore Salvador never come to Ribeira, except, perhaps, to jump off a tour bus and eat a quick ice cream at the famous Sorveteria, everyone who visits the ICBIE falls in love with its beautiful neighborhood.  The ICBIE program of hosting socially responsible tourists has given many foreigners…

  • Julio Represents Salvador Grafita in Rome

    Prosegue a Roma anche quest’anno il progetto ‘Salvator Grafita’. Nell’Istituto di scuola media ‘Marco Poplo’ di Vernicino l’artista graffiteiro Julio Costa ha dato il suo contributo partecipando alla chiusura dell’anno scolastico dipingendo un murales. Il dipinto del murales, pensato come fase ultima di un laboratorio dal titolo ‘Dal graffito al graffitismo’ svolto dalla prof.ssa Donatella…

  • Another Big ICBIE Party in Rome

    Last night the ICBIE held its big annual Roman bash, gathering its friends together to salute Pietro and Marlene with a sumptuous Brazilian churrasco. It was a beautiful evening and a big crowd turned out, completely filling “La Villetta” in Garbatella, which proved to be an ideal venue, with its big garden, a bar, a…

  • Marcella’s Visit to Mestre Pedro

    Visita all’Accademia di Mestre Pedro Pe´ de Ferro Ass. Filhos do Sol Nascente (English translation below) Nel problemático quartiere Uruguay della Città Bassa di Salvador sorge un’isola felice. Vi si insegna rispetto per il prossimo, onestà e disciplina sportiva ed artistica. Ormai consolidati amici dell’ICBIE Mestre Pedro, i suoi figli e tutti i membri dell’Associazione…

  • ICBIE Churrasco in Rome

    After their busy sojourn in Italy, for Pietro, Marlene and Julio the time to return home is rapidly approaching, but there’s time to organize one more big bash before they go.  This Sunday evening at 8PM, there will be a good-bye churrasco at the Villetta (Via Passino, 24, in Garbatella), for all the Roman supporters…

  • Ribeira Arts Festival on YouTube

    The inauguration of the Ribeira das Artes festival was a milestone event for the ICBIE, so the arrival of new half-hour long documentary video was a delightful surprise, and viewing it set off waves of nostalgia.  With great shots of the artworks, concert performances and interviews with the protagonists (we can all practice our Portuguese),…

  • ICBIE Summit in Italy

    Thanks to a pinch of good fortune, the whole ICBIE team, which usually communicates across continents, managed to get together face to face for a real brainstorming session in Campagnano. Celeste and Veronique arrived on Friday from Barcelona and Marlene came in from Salvador last night, joining Pietro, Roy and Julio. Our Barcelona girls, after…