Categoria: ICBIE news

  • Happy Holidays

    [:en]We wish everybody happy holidays and a new year 2017 full of art, culture, reading, creativity and solidarity. [:pt]Desajamos a totos boas festas e que o ano de 2017 seja cheio de arte, cultura, leitura, criatividade e solidariedade. [:it]Auguriamo a tutti buone feste e un 2017 pieno di arte, cultura, lettura, creatività e solidarietà! [:]

  • End of Year 2016

    [:en]We have arrived at the conclusion of another year of ICBIE activities: it is the time to celebrate with volunteers, friends, supporters and fellow associations that have helped to make our Institute a cultural reference point for the Itapagipe peninsula, facilitating the realization of courses and events for art, sports and languages for students of…

  • Fourth Italian Festival

    [:en]December, for us at the ICBIE, has become a synonym for a meeting with the Italian community of Salvador.  In fact, in this 2016 that is about to end, we will have the traditional get-together, along with the Leonardo Prize awards. Sunday the 11th, starting at 2 PM we will be expecting many “Italo-spoteropolitans,” for…

  • EBM – 2016

    [:en]The EBM (Exposition Bazaar Music) is an annual event of interaction between the arts that takes place at the ICBIE. It is promoted by our young organizers and intends to unite, in a single space, music, dance, poetry and art expositions, as well as disseminating a culture of responsible consumption, through the Bazaar. The original…

  • Halloween Party

    [:en]”Halloween wraps fear in innocence, As though it were a slightly sour sweet. Let terror, then, be turned into a treat…” ~Nicholas Gordon And that’s the way our Friday the 21st was. A thousand thanks to Daryth Davey and the staff of the Pan American School of Bahia (PASB), for having organized this beautiful and…

  • First Event of the Project: ICBIE Cultural Point of Ribeira

    [:en]Positive results for the first event of Project ICBIE Ponto de Cultura da Ribeira which closed on Sunday, September 11. The event, dedicated to the Cinema and Sport, began on Thursday 1. September, honoring capoeira and the godfather of this sport, Mestre Bimba, with a documentary film following the trajectory of this famous capoeirista. The…

  • Cinema and Sport

    [:en]ICBIE Program September 2016 – Cinema and Sport Taking advantage of the Olympic festivities, the ICBIE offers a special programming, based on the theme of sports. From September 1 – 11, at 7 PM, the ICBIE will open its facilities in Ribeira to propose a series of activities built on the theme of sports. The…

  • July 21, 2016

    [:en]On Thursday afternoon the students of the School José Maria used the ICBIE facilities to view a film projection on first aid. It was a different afternoon for them and an opportunity for us at the ICBIE, to tighten our bonds with neighboring schools. [:pt]Na tarde de quinta feira os alunos da Escola Maria José…

  • A Lively Sunday at the ICBIE

    [:en]Sunday, July 24th, was a particularly lively Sunday at our place. The ICBIE hosted a “Health, Citizenship and Art” fair, organized by the Institute of Citizenship, Labor and Social Responsibility (ICTS). Besides several free medical services, the ICTS offered massages, makeup sessions, expositions of local handicrafts, a book fair and a host of artistic performances:…


    [:en]In 2014, the Secretary of Culture of the State of Bahia awarded the ICBIE with formal recognition as a Point of Culture, which is a cultural initiative certified by the Ministry of Culture. Together, the Points of Culture represent a capillary social base with the power to penetrate into communities and territories, especially where the…