Categoria: ICBIE news

  • Graffiti Culture at Home

    Cultura do grafite em residência A Nova10ordem comemorou no último sexta-feira, o aniversário de 10 anos do grupo, com a mostra Expo lá na rua, a primeira de uma série de três, já programadas para os dias 10 dos meses de novembro e dezembro deste ano. Esta é uma mostra da arte do grafite em…

  • Bahia Graffita on YouTube

    OK, maybe the International Graffiti Meeting was a stressful and financially difficult experience for the ICBIE, but deep down, we all feel good about it, and its legacy continues to grow, becoming some kind of Bahia Graffiti Woodstock, a magic moment.  Thanks to Bigode, a beautiful YouTube video has come to our attention.    Created…

  • “Bahia ch’ ama África”

    Once again, dear Paranaguá has come through with a gallery of his beautiful photographs, documenting the Guido Daniele show that was inaugurated at the ICBIE on Wednesday evening.  Keeping to the theme “Bahia Loves (Calls) Africa,” he performed a live body painting while the public viewed his photographs.   At the same time, our ever…

  • Sadly Ainda Voltei

    Some people might consider me a bit biased considering it was my 3rd trip in a year to Salvador; but once again the country and its people continue to surprise me in what they had to offer. After a very long summer in Europe, I took off finally for Ribeira in late September. Thinking about…

  • Guido Daniele Exhibit Opens Tomorrow

    Guido Daniele is back at the ICBIE for another exposition of his world famous body painting, where he transforms parts of the human body (hands, feet, faces, etc.) into evocative animals, such as elephants, leopards, dogs, cats, eagles and so on.  His works which have even appeared on the Animal Planet program of the Discovery…

  • The First Operative Meeting of ICBIE Italia

    Primo incontro operativo ICBIE Italia E si finalmente ce l’abbiamo fatta! Ieri 2 ottobre il comitato ICBIE Italia, o almeno parte di esso, si è riunito per un incontro davvero operativo nella nostra nuova fantastica sede italiana. Grazie alla dedizione di Monica nel rendere il nostro ufficio accogliente e funzionale ci siamo ritrovati, davanti un…

  • Apollonian Balance Restored

    At the ICBIE, we celebrate the whole range of human cultural expression, from the pinnacles of the great masters to the most humble creations.   And more, we like to acknowledge this variety by creating dramatic contrasts, if necessary, to keep things in proportion. So after the hedonistic baccanalia of the graffiti meeting, a repentine…

  • Bahia Graffita Tidbits

    GRAFITES EMBELEZAM OS BAIRROS DA RIBEIRA E SÃO CAETANO           Os artistas participantes do 1º Encontro Internacional Bahia Grafite, realizado em Salvador, apesar da intensa programação, alguns deles ainda tiveram tempo, disposição e muita energia para intervenções em outros bairros. Na Ribeira, por exemplo, o painel na parede lateral do ICBIE, uma iniciativa da crew Nova10ordem, reuniu diversos artistas, atividade que levou horas de trabalho. Além…

  • Bahia Graffita Bombs Downtown

    Semana de Arte na Rua marca uma nova etapa do grafite em Salvador (English translation below) O dia 19 (sexta-feira) transformou-se em um marco para a história do grafite baiano. Os transeuntes que usam o acesso ao Vale do Canela pelo Campo Grande, estão sendo brindados com o belo mural artístico, modificando a paisagem do…

  • Graffiti Links

    The local Salvador press has been following the International Meeting of Graffiti Artists, and here are two links to their photo galleries. This first one contains photo galleries by our own Paranaguá: The second has photos by Marco Aurélio Martins, of the daily newspaper A Tarde: More news to follow… Photo by JF…