Categoria: ICBIE news

  • ICBIE Photo Exhibit: Another Kind of Street Art

    As everybody knows, the ICBIE has always supported street art, and its graffiti artists have become a source of great pride to us.   But now we’re concentrating on another less than obvious source of art that can be found on urban thoroughfares: manhole covers!  Our friend and kindred soul Stefano Bottoni has come to…

  • Paranaguà’s Appeal to the Mayor

    João Henrique é reeleito prefeito de Salvador Passado o clima da campanha, a cidade de Salvador retorna a normalidade. Depois de alguns meses, a população ficou livre da poluição sonora dos carros-de-som bradando os números dos candidatos: é o 15, é o 13, horários políticos nas emissoras de rádio e TV’s, balões infláveis, distribuição de…

  • ICBIE Italia Up and Running

    Now that the telephone line is finally hooked up, the new Rome office is fully functional.  The office hours have been set for Mondays and Fridays from 3-7 PM, and the telephone answering machine is always on.  The number is 06.89010848 and there is a new email address:   Marcella, Monica and Consuelo are handling…

  • Extraordinary News!

    Yesterday’s post contained some pretty discouraging news, and in fact, for the last month or so, we have been forced to face a fair share of grim realities, because of our distressing financial straits.  But the ICBIE is blessed with good fortune, and the lucky breaks always appear at just the right moment, when our…

  • Difficult ICBIE Decisions

    This is the headline article from the latest ICBIE newsletter.  It is reprinted here because it contains important news, for our friends who have not yet subscribed (please go to and sign up, if you haven’t!). Everyone who comes in contact with the ICBIE is struck by the incredible optimism and idealism that fires…

  • Cineforum Dedicated to Anna Magnani

    The coming week will feature the culmination of The Week of the Italian Language in the World, with a short cycle of films by the great Italian actress Anna Magnani, who was born in 1908, exactly a hundred years ago.  On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening at 7 PM, the ICBIE will show her most…

  • Paranaguá’s Memories of Europe

    BAIANOS EM ROLÊ NA EUROPA Esse foi o título da matéria publicada na Revista Graffiti, edição nº 44, páginas 20 e 21, veiculada no mês outubro, alusiva a viagem de intercâmbio cultural, realizada em abril deste ano, por um grupo de baianos formado pelos artistas de rua Júlio Costa, Pinel (Jackson Barbosa), Lee 27 (Josenildo…

  • The First Expedition of ICBIE Italia

    On Sunday, October 26th, a small group from ICBIE Italia took a trip to Florence to check out the Festival della Creatività, which this year has chosen Brazil as its central theme.  They couldn’t have made a better choice!!! Visiting the numerous stands, we were able to confirm, once again, the country’s cultural and creative…

  • Another Productive Meeting for ICBIE Italia

    Un altro produttivo incontro per l’ICBIE Italia (English translation below) Domenica 18 ottobre, nella splendida cornice della Casetta Rossa a Garbatella alla luce di uno splendido sole regalato dall’incantevole ottobre romano, il gruppo ICBIE Italia ha nuovamente fatto il punto sulle iniziative ed il programma di attività della rappresentanza italiana dell’ICBIE. Innanzitutto si è parlato…

  • An ICBIE Cineform Tackles Right Wing Italian Politics

    Politics seems to be on everybody’s mind these days: first, there’s the run-off vote for Salvador’s mayor; the US campaign is under daily scrutiny all around the world; and Italians are getting used to their new government, the most conservative in sixty years.   Acting as a kind of cultural thermometer, the ICBIE decided to tap…