The Big Show at Regina Hotel Baglioni in Rome
The big event was a resounding success! Last night’s ICBIE Roman benefit featured Marlene and the trio Nó de Marinheiro performing on the eighth floor of the ritzy Regina Palace Hotel. With gorgeous weather and a spectacular view of the city, a great crowd of friends and music lovers converged for the special occasion. Tiziana…
Marcella’s Churrasco House Party
Here’s a tasty Sunday report from Salvador, even though, at roughly the same time, Marlene is performing at the ICBIE benefit in Rome… more on that in the coming days. Marcella and Ivanildo invited a crowd of friends to a sumptuous churrasco lunch at her new house. (We had the party on the upper floor,…
Photos of Last Night’s ICBIE Concert in Rome
Thanks to Roberto we already have some photos of last night’s debut concert with Marlene and Nó de Marinheiro at the Beba do Samba in Rome. For those who missed it, there’s another chance, with Sunday’s big bash at the Regina Hotel Baglioni on Via Veneto.
Two ICBIE Concerts in Rome
Tonight Marlene and her friends of the Nó de Marinheiro Ensemble are flying to Rome from Salvador and Thursday night they will give their first concert at Beba do Samba in San Lorenzo! Then next Sunday evening, they will perform again at the Regina Hotel Baglioni on Via Veneto! Both concerts will be splendid occasions,…
Another Feather in Our Cap
L´ICBIE RICEVE IL PREMIO MAIS CULTURA DE PONTOS DE LEITURA DO ESTADO DA BAHIA (English translation below) Oggi, lunedi 20 giugno, Marlene e Marcella hanno partecipato alla cerimonia di premiazione del premio Mais Cultura, concorso lanciato dal MInistero della Cultura Brasiliana in collaborazione con la Segreteria di Cultura dello Stato di Bahia e la Fondazione…
Daniele is Coming Back!
It’s wonderful when old friends return to the ICBIE. Daniele Dattilo is fondly remembered for the English and French classes he taught in 2007 and now he is returning for a repeat performance. Daniele, who comes to us through the Bridge to Bahia project at the American Overseas School of Rome, will be teaching basic…
Friday’s Cineforum: The Blind Side
Our soccer-mad Bahians will be confronted with a compelling story about American football, focusing on the career of a brilliant offensive lineman who came from abject poverty to achieve fame and fortune. Of course, they will also be intrigued with Sandra Bullock, who won a Best Actress Oscar for her role in the film. O…
The Pietro Chronicles from Italy
As always, Pietro has been on the move during his stay in Italy and he sent us some photos and notes of explaination, so you can get an idea of what he is up to. Incontro a Roma con Marcella e Ivanildo in viaggio luna di miele in una pizzeria di Trastevere insieme a Paranaguà…
Tomorrow’s Cineforum: The House of the Spirits
A fine film about the turbulent history of Chile (based on the book by Isabel Allende) with an all-star cast that includes Jeremy Irons, Meryl Streep, Glenn Close, Winona Ryder, Antonio Banderas and Vanessa Redgrave will keep our cineforum crowd on the edge of their seats. O ICBIE, através do Prêmio Mais Cultura, gostaria de…
Richard’s Very Special Party
Nearly everyone who has visited the ICBIE goes away with great memories of Richard Beyai. A man of few words and modest ways, he nonetheless is an integral part of our team, and we’ve wanted to feature him on this blog for a long time. Now there is no excuse for procrastinating: at long last,…