ICBIE Takes Theater to Plataforma
This coming Sunday, the Little Theater/Music Company of the ICBIE will travel across the bay to Plataforma to present Pietro Gallina’s revision of Francesca Tagliafierro’s setting of the play No Reading Allowed, a Walk in a Piece of Paper. In bocca lupo a tutti! O Grupo Piccola Cia. de Teatro/Música do ICBIE, juntamente com o…
September Cineforum Starts Tomorrow
This month’s theme will focus on the revolution created by computers and the internet, starting off tomorrow evening with Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999). ——————- O ICBIE gostaria de convidá-lo para as exibições de filmes do nosso Cineforum. Tema do mês: “O Revolucionário Mundo da Informática” Filme: Piratas do Vale do Silício Direção:…
Big Party in Plastic City
We enthusiastically participated in the party/celebration marking six years since the opening of the Plastic City Project, held in the favela’s community center directed by Ana Vaneska. This courageous lady, who initiated the collaboration for the construction of a people’s soup kitchen by the Swiss cooks from Cuisine sans frontière and who conducted the (difficult)…
ICBIE Participates in a Cultural Symposium
Oggi 4 settembre, e domani, 5 settembre, Marcella e Pietro parteciperanno al Simpósio Internacional “A Bahia e as suas Representações Culturais Estrangeiras: Politicas de Cultura entre o Global e o Local”. È un incontro organizzato, appunto, dalle associazioni culturali europee (Germania, Spagna, Italia e Francia), dalla facoltá di comunicazione dell´UFBA (FACOM) e dalla segreteria di…
Dona Cecy Ramos and Itapagipe
(English and Portuguese translations below) DONA CECY RAMOS E ITAPAGIPE Oggi, giovedi 30 agosto, l´ICBIE ha accolto la visita di circa 40 adolescenti che frequentano il Colégio Portinari nel quartiere di Costa Azul (Cidade Alta) e per l´occasione, grazie all´organizzazione del Dottor Elney Pitangueira – cittadino della Penisola di Itapagipe e impegnato socialmente per lo…
Lucio’s First Aid and Health Seminars at ABEAC
(English translation below) Attivitá presso l´ABEAC Tra gli ultimi volontari arrivati a Salvador, Lucio Marchetti é un volontario della Croce Rossa Italiana con esperienze internazionali nel campo. Qui a Salvador ha messo a disposizione dei ragazzini e di tutta l´equipe che lavora all´ABEAC (associazione di Ribeira che si occupa di bambini e adolescenti) le sue…
Paraguaná’s Blog Reports on the Street Art Museum Opening
Because it affects so many ICBIE people, and because street art has always been one of our central focuses, it seems appropriate to encourage everyone to have a look at the amazing article by our friend Paranaguá regarding the opening ceremony of the Salvador Street Art Museum. There are a zillion photos! http://www.jfparanagua.com.br/blog/?p=5346#more-5346 Congratulations to…
Sign Up for New ICBIE Courses
The ICBIE is happy to announce its richest offering of courses in many years! In addition to the Italian courses previously announced, there will be three-month long courses in beginning and intermediate English, taught by one of our best volunteers ever, Claire Bertaud (photo below, taken during her work in Mozambique), who is returning for…
August Cineforum and New Italian Courses
There’s plenty of activity at the ICBIE these days. Tonight begins a new monthly cycle of films for the Cineforum, this time dedicated to the transformative power of sports, starting with Cinderella Man, Ron Howard’s great 2005 film about boxing. ——– O ICBIE gostaria de convidá-lo para as exibições de filmes do nosso Cineforum. Tema…
Proibido Ler – Reading Forbidden
Tomorrow night at 7 PM the Little Theater Company of the ICBIE will present the premiere of Reading Forbidden, a Walk through a Sheet of Paper, a multimedia performance in one act and thirteen scenes, directed by Francesca Tagliaferro. O Grupo Piccola Cia. de Teatro/Música do ICBIE, com o apoio do Prêmio Mais Cultura,…