Categoria: ICBIE news

  • Afro-Dance Show

    For the last year or so, the Afro-Dance group, led by the professional dancer Emerson Ataide, has become a fixed feature at the ICBIE, and, on Sunday, the 17th of August, it had another opportunity to show off in public. In fact, on that day, in the Enseada dos Tainheiros (the bay in front of…


    On Sunday, August 17th, 2014, in Ribeira, the first race of the annual Bahian rowing championship was held. For the occasion, as part of the permanent exhibition of the Historic Memory of the Itapagipe peninsula, the ICBIE dedicated a part of the exposition to photographs, articles and documents about the regattas and the four historic…


    Thanks to a snapshot in black and white, showing a simple figure of a young boy, captured in flight, typical of a soccer player who is about to kick a ball in a somersault, by the soteropolitan Tiago Silva Nonato, has won the International Competition for Photographers sponsored by the ICBIE, as part of the…

  • The Ball Is Round

    It’s an intense month, for us at the ICBIE, this June, 2014.  After the opening of the ME.PE., we had the pleasure of organizing another important event:  “A bola é redonda” (The Ball Is Round) project, in collaboration with the German association, Lahn Artists.  On Sunday the 15th, the exhibition, for the first time in…

  • The Ball Is Round

    ICBIE’S LATEST CULTURAL EVENT: “THE BALL IS ROUND’ Event produced by the Institute of Culture Brazil Italy Europe (ICBIE) in collaboration with the Lahn Artists Association from Germany “The Ball is Round” consists of an event  dedicated to appreciating the most popular and widely practiced sporting culture in Brazil, o futebol.  Therefore, this Sunday, June…

  • Peninsula Memories

    Saturday, May 31st, the ICBIE inaugurated a new wing of its cultural ‘castle’:  the “ME.PE. Project – Peninsula Memories – an exposition space and a big laboratory devoted to the history of the Itapagipe peninsula, in Salvador’s cidade baixa,” to preserve it for those who live there or for those who have visited this bay…

  • Wine Party at the ICBIE

    The deep ties between Italy and Brazil lie, above all, in the socio-cultural links that cross the oceans to assert the idea that there is only one world. The ICBIE is founded upon this conviction, and it has worked, through the years, to facilitate cultural exchanges by promoting education, the arts, and open creative spaces.…

  • Wine Party!

  • The Ten Daughters

    The ICBIE wall most exposed to the evening wind now hosts the God of the Sun, shown while openly embracing and safeguarding the Muses, the custodians, witnesses and providers of the arts and memory. Pietro, along with Julio, Bigod and the Nova 10 Ordem crew, taking advantage of the assistance of volunteer helpers, opened a…

  • Happy Birthday, Pietro and Monica!

    Last Sunday was a lively and intense day for the ICBIE.  We hosted a variety of diverse events that were attended by about fifty people, including friends, Italian and Bahian members, as well as current and past students of ICBIE courses. We began with a simple but exquisite buffet lunch of typical Bahian cuisine: our…