Categoria: ICBIE news

  • Afro-Dance at ICBIE

    AFRO-DANCE LESSONS AT THE ICBIE Afro-dance lessons at the ICBIE are beginning again.  Every Monday and Wednesday from 6PM to 7:30. Come and dance with us and with the professional dancer Rose Bárbara! Super discounted price: only 20 Reais per month. AULAS DE DANÇA-AFRO NO ICBIE Recomeçam as aulas de dança afro no ICBIE. Todas…


    The Territori Creativi (Creative Territories) project of the SEBRAE (a confederation of businesses) intends to stimulate the activities of its creative sector in the six districts of the city of Salvador: Rio Vermelho, Península de Itapagipe, Curuzu, Candeal, Comércio and Santo Antônio Além do Carmo, promoting the competitiveness of cross sector and participatory small businesses.…

  • 10 Years of ICBIE Activity in Salvador

    As many of you already know, this year we will commemorate the tenth anniversary of the ICBIE’s foundation in Salvador. For that reason, the Institute is organizing three weeks of events, workshops, seminars, expositions and various exhibitions to remember the rich history of these ten years of activity. It will begin on the 28th of…

  • Welcome Giulia and Alberto

    They arrived straight from London, the Professors of the language courses, and they are ready to offer English, German and French to the ICBIE students! For three consecutive months, every day of the week, the ICBIE will offer the opportunity to study three extremely important European languages together with Giulia and Alberto! Take advantage and come…

  • The Michigan Connection

    By a series of fortuitous coincidences, our Institute has built a special connection with the state of Michigan. First of all, Roy was born and raised there, and for that reason, Pietro has visited there twice. Then, a year ago, our brilliant student Meg Boaventura won a scholarship from the Federal University of Bahia to…

  • LeiturArte Closing Event

    The Itapagipe Peninsula Salutes the LeiturArte Itapagipe Project A Multicultural Event Marks the End of the Season. Last Saturday, May 30th, the ICBIE completed the season of LeiturArte Itapagipe. The project, lasting for five months, was planned last year as part of the Arte em Toda Parte, Second Year, of the Gregorio de Mattos Foundation…

  • Final LeiturArte Event

    The ICBIE Invites Everyone to the Final Event of the LeiturArte Project After five months of intense activity, the project has arrived at its last stage. The event that will mark the end of the project will take place at the ICBIE, and, as always, it will contain many attractions. On Saturday, May 30th, starting…

  • Marjorie’s Book Presentation

    LeiturArte Presents a Young Writer to the Community of the Itapagipe Peninsula Publicity agent, writer and poetess Majorie dos Anjos has left cyberspace to reach the real world.  Her book “When the Last Dry Leaf Falls” was available only on the site of the Author’s Club, but now you can find it also on the…

  • Changing the Future

    Changing the Future: The LeiturArte Project Presents a Book Written by a Young Lady from the Itapagipe Peninsula Twenty-two year-old Marjorie dos Anjos, working in Publicity, wrote her first book when she was sixteen, and she self-published it. Now LeiturArte gives her the opportunity to present the second edition of her book, When the Last…

  • ICBIE at AOSR in Italy

    After more than eight years, the connection between ICBIE and the American Overseas School of Rome (AOSR) is still alive, thanks to the efforts of four AOSR teachers who, over the years, have come to Salvador as ICBIE volunteers. Yesterday afternoon, Rosa de Bellis, Daniele Dattilo, Sandrine Le Bail and Lars Rahm led a “Booster…