Categoria: Bridge to Bahia – AOSR & ICBIE

  • Bridge to Bahia 2007-08

    At the American Overseas School of Rome, the Bridge to Bahia project, though only a year old, is now a familiar and on-going activity in our community, but this year kicked off with a real bang. Daniele Dattilo and I were fresh back from prolonged summer sojourns at the ICBIE, and before our stories had…

  • ICBIE Artists at AOSR

    Friday, October 5, 2007: ICBIE Day at AOSR! Although, thanks to the Bridge to Bahia project, there have been numerous AOSR events where the ICBIE has been present, never before was a whole school day enlivened by the presence of real Bahians, together with ICBIE president Pietro Gallina. And the real stars were our delightful…

  • ICBIE Benefit Evening in Rome on Oct. 3

    Next Wednesday night, a benefit concert will kick off the autumn campaign of Rome’s ICBIE supporters. This important event will take place in The Factory, located on the Riva Ostiense, on the left bank of the Tiber, at 9 PM. According to the beautiful poster shown below, the encounter will open with a brief presentation…

  • ICBIE Film Forum – every Saturday

    In his post on July 12, Pietro announced the launch of the ICBIE Cineforum, which will be held every Saturday at 6PM, from July 21 to September 29.  As you can see from the poster below, a rich variety of offerings will be provided at no cost for ICBIE members, while other students will pay…

  • A Note from Daniele

    Eccoci a metà percorso. Sono arrivato a Salvador più di due settimane fa e le cose vanno piuttosto bene. I miei corsi procedono in maniera positiva. Abbiamo creato una bella atmosfera… le due classi d´inglese sono variopinte. Ci sono ragazzi, mamme, studenti e persone di mezza età. Il tutto compone un gruppo eterogeneo molto interessante…

  • ICBIE on the Internet: Building Visibility

    Now that Pietro Gallina is back in Salvador, in Rome the work goes on, with a series of new internet initiatives to spread the ICBIE message to the wider public. We have such a rich and compelling tale to tell, beginning with the whole D’Artagnan story and the travails of Pietro and Marlene, then the…

  • Finalmente in Brasile

    Salve a tutti, Sono Daniele, qualche tempo fa ho scritto un messaggio di presentazione segnalando la mia prossima partenza per Salvador. Finalmente eccoci! E´quasi una settimana che sono arrivato e devo dire l´istituto è un posto notevole. Ho notato quanto impegno e quanto coraggio i nostri Pietro e Marlene hanno avuto per titar su tutto…

  • Arrivederci Ribeira!

    I have less than 24 hours left in Ribeira; sadly, by tomorrow at this time, I will be at the airport in Salvador, waiting to board the flight back to Rome. I have just one more night of listening to the buses rumbling by outside my window, just one more evening to see the sun…

  • Michelle Falcinelli’s English Course

    Two teachers from the American Overseas School of Rome have added English language instruction to the ICBIE’s curriculum. After Rosa de Bellis started the program last summer (with an unprecedented wave of enthusiasm), during the month of May, Michelle Falcinelli offered another round, with two five-day-per-week classes, one for younger students (starting at ten years…

  • Hello…

    Hi, I am Luka Mestrovic, a student at AOSR. I would just like to say something about this project. The first time when I attended the ICBIE meeting in my school it looked like it would never start. It looked like an obstacle course. There were so many problems and so few of us that…