Cinema and Sport
[:en]ICBIE Program September 2016 – Cinema and Sport Taking advantage of the Olympic festivities, the ICBIE offers a special programming, based on the theme of sports. From September 1 – 11, at 7 PM, the ICBIE will open its facilities in Ribeira to propose a series of activities built on the theme of sports. The…
July 21, 2016
[:en]On Thursday afternoon the students of the School José Maria used the ICBIE facilities to view a film projection on first aid. It was a different afternoon for them and an opportunity for us at the ICBIE, to tighten our bonds with neighboring schools. [:pt]Na tarde de quinta feira os alunos da Escola Maria José…
A Lively Sunday at the ICBIE
[:en]Sunday, July 24th, was a particularly lively Sunday at our place. The ICBIE hosted a “Health, Citizenship and Art” fair, organized by the Institute of Citizenship, Labor and Social Responsibility (ICTS). Besides several free medical services, the ICTS offered massages, makeup sessions, expositions of local handicrafts, a book fair and a host of artistic performances:…
[:en]In 2014, the Secretary of Culture of the State of Bahia awarded the ICBIE with formal recognition as a Point of Culture, which is a cultural initiative certified by the Ministry of Culture. Together, the Points of Culture represent a capillary social base with the power to penetrate into communities and territories, especially where the…
12th Annual ICBIE/Socrate Party – Saturday, June 18, 2016
[:en]Once again this year, we celebrated the lifeline that binds two continents, two projects and the same dream of change: ICBIE Italy-Brazil! The Roman staff of the ICBIE Europa Onlus was present in force and well-organized at the Villetta in Via Passino in Garbatella on Saturday the 18th and Pietro Gallina, founder of the ICBIE…
Partnership with Novadezordem
[:en]One of our old friends, one of the first drawing students and a member of the theater crew, the talented young Josemar Oliveira, has developed a passion for graffiti art during the last few years. Recently, he joined the Salvador graffiti crew that has steadfastly collaborated with and participated in the ICBIE activities, the Nova10Ordem.…
ICBIE Events
[:en]The ICBIE always keeps its doors open to other groups or associations, for the realization of cultural and artistic events. This semester has seen us host the First Festival of Charitable Rap “Chega par Somar” (“Enough to Add”) and on the 15th of Aprial we hosted the musical workshop “Free Africanism in Sounds and Words,”…
The Newest ICBIE Partner
[:en]The ICBIE supports the Peninsula Regata Club, which offers rowing lessons from Monday to Friday, starting at 5:30 AM. The Club made its debut in the rowing competitions of the Bahian Championship on the 20th of March. [:pt]O Icbie apoia o Clube de Regatas da Península que oferece aulas de remo de segunda a sexta…
Poets in the Park Movement Returns to Ribeira
[:en]The ICBIE participated in the organization of an event centered upon a book presentation of the Poets in the Park Movement, a homage to the anarchist poet Antonio Short and to the Ribeira Experimental Art Group (GERA), a cultural group of the Itapagipe Peninsula that, during the 1980s, distinguished the cultural scene of the low…
The ICBIE Little Theater Company Performs at the Plataforma Theater
[:en]On the 8th of April, the ICBIE Little Theater Company performed a dramatic rendition of Castro Alves’s poem, “The Slave Ship” (“O Navio negreiro”) at the Plataforma Cultural Center’s Theater. The theatrical piece was directed by Pietro and, along with Alex’s collaboration, benefited from the assistance of Edilson Araújo, an actor and theater director from…