ICBIE Lessons on Italian Cuisine
During the winter break, most of our students continue to gather here, because they can’t afford to take holiday trips and there is little else to do in the neighborhood. In order to offer some entertaining activities that can also help them to perfect their Italian language skills, one of our guests, Maddalena Grieco (who,…
Winter in Bahia
Everyone is complaining because the temperatures drop to 20 degrees centigrade at night, and it is true that the wind is blowing and the rain comes in rapid bursts. Pietro is suffering from a nagging cold, and he dresses as if he were in Ireland, but for someone like me, who has just come from…
ICBIE Film Forum – every Saturday
In his post on July 12, Pietro announced the launch of the ICBIE Cineforum, which will be held every Saturday at 6PM, from July 21 to September 29. As you can see from the poster below, a rich variety of offerings will be provided at no cost for ICBIE members, while other students will pay…
An Old Fashioned Party at the ICBIE
Last week we held a party in costume, reviving the fashions from the end of the nineteenth century up to the 1930s-1950s, in order to remember and celebrate the old Brazilian salons, where the noble class, middle class, students and some small businessmen got together to sing, recite poetry and dance, mostly to steps of…
A Note from Daniele
Eccoci a metà percorso. Sono arrivato a Salvador più di due settimane fa e le cose vanno piuttosto bene. I miei corsi procedono in maniera positiva. Abbiamo creato una bella atmosfera… le due classi d´inglese sono variopinte. Ci sono ragazzi, mamme, studenti e persone di mezza età. Il tutto compone un gruppo eterogeneo molto interessante…
ICBIE on the Internet: Building Visibility
Now that Pietro Gallina is back in Salvador, in Rome the work goes on, with a series of new internet initiatives to spread the ICBIE message to the wider public. We have such a rich and compelling tale to tell, beginning with the whole D’Artagnan story and the travails of Pietro and Marlene, then the…
After two intense months traveling around Europe – between D’Artagnan exhibits, “musical interludes”, meetings with artists, contacts and agreements for the ICBIE, fund-raising, including the dream of constructing a cinema/theater for Ribeira, and finally, a failed attempt to sell some land in Italy, to raise enough money to begin building the theater – here I…
Dopo due mesi di viaggi europei intensissimi – tra mostre di D’Artagnan, “musical interludes”, contatti con artisti, contatti e accordi per l’ICBIE, ricerca di fondi, incluso il sogno della costruzione del cinema-teatro alla Ribeira e per ultimo una vendita andata a male di un terreno in Italia per appunto porre la prima pietra del cineteatro…
Finalmente in Brasile
Salve a tutti, Sono Daniele, qualche tempo fa ho scritto un messaggio di presentazione segnalando la mia prossima partenza per Salvador. Finalmente eccoci! E´quasi una settimana che sono arrivato e devo dire l´istituto è un posto notevole. Ho notato quanto impegno e quanto coraggio i nostri Pietro e Marlene hanno avuto per titar su tutto…