English Diplomas – Thank You Louise!
Last night, Louise Audette’s English courses arrived at the finish line, and we had a diploma ceremony, followed by a reception with proud parents and friends. These events are always emotionally charged moments, because our visiting instructors forge such deep friendships with our students, and saying good-bye isn’t easy. For Louise, this was her very…
Another ICBIE Banquet
Pietro’s extraordinary culinary skills are exploited by all his friends. Everywhere he goes, he inevitably gets locked in a kitchen, and this makes him a most welcome guest in any house. During the Salvador Graffita tour, Salvador City Councilman Tucunaré was so impressed with Pietro’s recipe for Abbacchio alla scottadita (roast lamb), that he was…
Plans for Coming Months
Yesterday afternoon, the ICBIE crew (Pietro, Marlene, Roy, Julio, Val, Giovanna and Bogus) got together for an intense brainstorming session, ironing out the calendar of events for the coming semester. Such advance planning is particularly important, as we often have to contact people on different continents and make travel arrangements, as well as the ordinary…
Julio is Back
Cosa c’è di nuovo all’ICBIE? É tornato Julio… dall’Europa, ed é tornato senza capelli!!! Sembra non essere piú quello di prima, ma allo stesso tempo …é sempre lo stesso!! È cresciuto, dice lui stesso, ha imparato cose incredibili, e si sente in ogni parola…ha imparato persino il gusto di mettersi ai fornelli e preparare cenette…
ICBIE Regatta Party
Today’s gorgeous sunny weather was a perfect backdrop for the third tap of the 2008 Bahia Rowing Championship and once again, the Rowing Federation of Bahia used the ICBIE as the site for its luncheon party, seeing as we are located across the street from the judges’ box. Sponsored by the Bahia State Government, the…
ICBIE and Rhythm of Hope, Face to Face
Yesterday, after more than ten months of intense collaboration, conducted exclusively by means of emails and telephone calls, the directors of the ICBIE and Rhythm of Hope were finally able to meet face to face. Phillip Wagner had just come to Salvador from Indiana, and one of his first priorities was to meet with Pietro…
Attività per tutte le età all’ICBIE
All´ICBIE si pensa proprio a tutti!!!! E stamattina (sabato 12 luglio) il nostro mitico Augusto istruttore di Hapkido ha deliziato i nostri simpatici ospiti, gli allegri e romanissimi parenti di Pietro, con una divertente lezione di ginnastica!!!! Alla lezione hanno partecipato, inoltre, la mitica ed instancabile Marlene, la nostra fantastica professoressa di inglese ed i…
New Zest and Zeal
Enthusiastic new teachers add a big jolt of precious energy that keeps the ICBIE community motivated. Educators who come from affluent countries get swept into the simple pleasures of the happy Ribeira locals, and they cannot fathom the delight of our Bahians, when they gather for a new course with them. The arrival of Louise…
First Impressions from Louise, Our New English Teacher
OK – This is the first time that I have been to Brazil and I have the greatest classes of people – so very diverse, young 14 and old 61. Students and teachers, mothers and fathers, all together speaking English. There are about 10 to 15 students in each of my two basic classes each…
A Flurry of Comings and Goings
It’s that time of year; schools are out in the northern hemisphere, and it seems like everyone is flying all over the world, despite the economic pinch and stratospheric fuel costs. Just to keep track of everyone is quite a task! ICBIE President Pietro Gallina, after his brief stay in Salvador in the wake of…