Paranaguá’s EWB-Alagados Story
(English translation below) Palafitas: Erradicação em contagem regressiva. O artigo postado em 24 de março deste, sob o título “The Engineers Visit Alagados” do estudante Aaron Johnson Benjamim, da Howard University Washington D.C., sobre os problemas sociais presenciados por ele durante visita as Palafitas e a área da favela, fez-me refletir e fazer algumas considerações…
Mestre Pedro’s New Website
This morning, Mestre Pedro’s son announced the welcome news. The Children of the Rising Sun Association has opened its own website! It contains information regarding their projects, events and music. Here is the link; it will also appear on this blog’s sidebar, for future reference. www.filhosdosolnascente.com Mestre Pedro, through his inspiring work, proudly transmitting the…
The Engineers Visit Alagados
Our great new friends from the Howard University chapter of Engineers Without Borders returned to Washington on Sunday, after their intense week in Salvador. Aaron Johnson was kind enough to send these terrific pictures and this touching description of their visit to the Alagados. I’d like to share with you a few pics and thoughts…
EWB Studies Bahian Water & Sewage Systems
(English translation below) A matéria publicada abaixo é do meu amigo jornalista Carlos Alberto Reis, e colega da assessoria de Comunicação Social da Empresa Baiana de Águas e Saneamento S/A – Embasa. Fiquei muito contente ao saber através da sua ligação telefônica que já estava nos aguardando no auditório da Universidade Corporativa no Parque Deputado…
Paranaguá Meets EWB
(English translation below) Fora da agenda No último sábado (14) a presença de público visitando a expo foi constante. Na manhã desse dia, precisamente não me lembro o horário, mas creio ter sido às 7 horas, recepcionei os meus amigos Pietro Gallina e Bogus (ICBIE), e depois acompanhados pelo grupo de professores e alunos da…
Projeto Oficina de Rua – Street Lab Project
While waiting for the first report from the Engineers Without Borders, there is still plenty of news. The new Street Lab Project, which kicked off in January with the big “happening” in Massaranduba, is now in full swing and the excitement is palpable, with a rich series of ICBIE courses that began on Thursday. Finally,…
The Engineers Are Coming!
Today is a really big day in the history of the ICBIE. At this very moment, a crew of Engineers Without Borders from Howard University in Washington, DC are climbing on a plane to fly to Salvador, where they will begin their big project to build a community theater at the ICBIE! This is a…
More Buzz in the Press
After the big splash in The International Educator, the same story about the Bridge to Bahia project has now been published in the other principal periodical read in all the English-speaking international schools. NewsLinks is published by a company called International Schools Services, which runs the big recruiting fairs where aspiring teachers get hired to teach…