Our Second Birthday!
This blog was born two years ago today. When AOSR’s computer teacher Lars Rahm helped to open the account and set things up, no one could have imagined how effective the project would become. By keeping our supporters informed, a cohesive community has spread around the world without losing its focus and coherence, and the…
Full Report of the ICBIE European Tour
(English translation below) Intercâmbio cultural: Parceria de novos projetos de inclusão social Durante a viagem de intercâmbio cultural, promovida pelo Instituto de Cultura Brasil Itália Europa (ICBIE), no período de 19 a 29 do mês de abril, entre a Secretaria Municipal da Educação e Cultura (Smec) e organizações culturais e educacionais da Alemanha, Suíça e…
First International ICBIE Meeting in Rome
On the heels of last Wednesday’s bash at the Casetta Rossa to celebrate Pietro’s arrival, a crescendo of activity continued all through the weekend. After a couple of days marked by rapid fire encounters, with people arriving from as far away as Berlin, Amsterdam and Barcelona (and from all around Italy), on Saturday afternoon we…
A Big ICBIE Wednesday in Rome
Yesterday, April 29th, was an intense day for the ICBIE Europa people and for Pietro Gallina, ICBIE’s president from Salvador! In the afternoon, Pietro, Monica and Marcella (from ICBIE Europa), accompanied by our dear friend Steve from Lahn Artists in Germany (who was passing through Rome), were invited by the friends of the Victoria Regis…
Closing Party for the Alagados Photo Show in Rome
Festa di chiusura della mostra ALAGADOS – 25 aprile ad Off!cine del Pigneto Ancora un’altra serata all’insegna di musica e cultura brasiliana. La festa di chiusura della mostra Alagados curata da ICBIE Europa presso Off!cine del Pigneto è stata un gran successo di partecipazione, divertimento e cordiale e piacevole atmosfera. Ringraziamo i numerosi visitatori…
Third Annual ICBIE – Salvador Grafita European Tour
It’s that time of year again, and tomorrow afternoon Pietro will be leaving Salvador for another extended tour of Europe, together with a group of Salvador city officials, to promote the ICBIE, the innovative Salvador grafita program and, especially, the new Oficina de Rua project. Pietro’s companions will be Edvando Luiz Castro Pinto (Tucunaré), city…
Alagados Photo Show in Rome
(click to enlarge) L’ICBIE Europa vi invita a visitare la mostra fotografica “Alagados – Salvador de Bahia”, un giorno nelle favelas di Salvador che si terrà ad Off!cine del Pigneto (www.officinedelpigneto.it), in via del Pigneto 215, tutte le sere dal 15 al 25 aprile. E il 25 Aprile festa di chiusura della mostra, a partire dalle…
ABEAC – ICBIE Theater Performance
With this event, the ICBIE inaugurated its new partnership with the local chapter of ABEAC (Associação Beneficiente Educação Arte e Cidadania, or Education Art and Citizenship Charitable Association). (English translation below) o evento aconteceu no sábado dia 4 de abril, muito interessante alem de encher nossa casa seja de pessoas seja de alegria, a ponta…
Orphans in Transition
Besides the grinding poverty that assails abandoned children in Salvador, they also become prey to the interests of the organizations who should be helping them. Readers of this blog are familiar with the little Minha vó Flor orphanage a few blocks away from the ICBIE; we have helped them in every way possible for the…