ICBIE Europa Offers a Beautiful 2010 Calendar
The infinitely resourceful crew at the ICBIE Europa office in Rome have come up with a beautiful new calendar, which we are selling to our supporters for 10 Euros. It will make a fine gift for the holidays, and every month describes a different aspect of the ICBIE mission, complete with great photographs. Write icbie.it@gmail.com…
Julio’s Report on the Latest Mutirão
(English translation below) Século 21, Ano de 2009 no Brasil os filhos dos africanos ainda são tratados como escravos, jogados em senzalas, que são construídas, com o que se tem nas mãos, ou seja lixo, pedaço de tabuas, e lonas velhas, assim também nasceu uma comunidade chamada cidade de plástico, uma ocupação do MSTS, um…
The Story Instinct Exposition
After months of hard work, Tess and Sabika are ready to show off the drawings and photos of their students in the poor districts of Uruguai and Massaranduba, where, for the last three months, they have been conducting their Story Instinct project. The exposition will open tomorrow at 7 PM at the School of Fine Arts…
End-of-Year Exposition for the Drawing Class
With December at the door, the end of year madness formally begins. And in Brazil, that also means the end of the school year (and the beginning of summer vacation). Yesterday the ICBIE celebrated the conclusion of the drawing course with an exhibition of the best works produced by the students. This course is a…
Tarantella Night
(English translation below) Venerdì sera si è svolto un interessantissimo evento che ha coinvolto molti ragazzi e adulti della nostra comunità per un verso curiosi di assistere alla presentazione della tradizionale danza italiana “Taranta o Pizzica” e dall’altro non vedere l’ora di gettarsi nella mischia e apprenderla. Antonello Veneri l’animatore, chitarrista e teorico del gruppo, ha cominciato a spiegare…
And Next… the Tarantella!
The kaleidoscopic succession of ICBIE events continues this Thursday with a presentation regarding one of Italy’s most fascinating dance traditions, the tarantella. Antonello Veneri and Marcella Bomba are experts in the field, and are also professional educators. They will present a brief introduction to the pizzica, the tarantula bite that causes women to dance, together…
Lives at Risk Book Launch
After six months of spectacular service at the ICBIE, our faithful Marcella has returned to Italy. As a result, our dear president, Pietro Gallina, is filling in for her, providing this full account of the book launch last week. (English translation below.) Dopo numerosi eventi culturali presentati durante questo anno dall’ICBIE, sono stato particolarmente…
After All the Art, a Book and a Film
This Friday evening at 6:30 PM the ICBIE will be hosting a book presentation and a video projection; both events are focused on local realities in the city of Salvador. The book Lives at Risk: When Violence and Crime Threaten the Public and Private World was written by two sociology professors at the Federal University…
Pietro just posted this link on facebook, and it seems appropriate to share it here, too. The local Salvador television, Aratu, made this video of the Berlin Wall event in the Pelourinho last week, and there are priceless interviews with O Presidente, Julio and Bigode. Don’t miss it! http://www.aratuonline.com.br/2009/videos/3365,populacao-destroi-replica-de-muro-de-berlim-no-pelourinho.html Important addition: The new ICBIE volunteer…
Dazzled by Darton X
The Nigerian artist Darton X brought his brilliant colors to the ICBIE last night, and they radiated their light on our community, which is always receptive to any manifestation of African culture. Peter Oluwadare Adeniyi was born in Ikere-ekiti, in the Ondo region of Nigeria, in 1968, and he began painting at the age of…