Cineforum : The Motorcycle Diaries
O ICBIE, juntamente com a SECULT, através do Projeto Leitura, Arte e Inclusão Digital na Cidade Baixa, gostaria de convidá-lo para a exibição de mais um filme do nosso Cineforum 2010 Filme: Diários de Motocicleta Direção: Walter Salles Jr. Censura: 12 anos Local, data e horário: Sede do ICBIE, 03 de setembro, sexta-feira, às 18h30.…
Last Day for the Manhattanville College Girls
ULTIMO GIORNO ALL´ICBIE PER TENISHA, TIZITA, JACLYN E AYLA (English translation below) Venerdí scorso, 27 agosto, le nostre instancabili volontarie del Manhattanville College si sono recate – anche l´ultimo giorno – all´ABEAC per svolgere le loro attivitá. Prima di recarvisi, peró, hanno confezionato pacchetti regalo per i bimbi dell´associazione: colori, matite, fogli per disegnare, prodotti…
An Open Letter from Our Friends at Manhattanville College
Volunteering in Salvador, Bahia was a rewarding way to spend our summer. Our four weeks were spent teaching English to students in high school as well as working with 3 NGOs: ICBIE, ABEAC, and Projecto Reciclavel. We also had the opportunity to immerse ourselves into Bahian culture and way of life. Some of the cultural…
Time Out for English
PAUSA TEMPORÁRIA DO CURSO DE INGLÊS (English translation below) Ontem 26 de agosto, foi “finalizado” com muita alegria o curso de inglês monitorado pela professora americana Mary Overby, que viaja para a Europa e ficará ausente por algum tempo. Entretanto, seus fies alunos continuarão vindo ao Instituto, todas as quintas-feiras de setembro, para assistirem a…
Tackling Environmental Issues
One of the beauties of the ICBIE lecture series (which is supported by the City of Salvador, as part of its Project for Reading, Art and Digital Inclusion) is that it permits us to showcase the special talents of our wonderful staff. On Saturday, September 4th at 5 PM, it will be Marcella’s turn. So,…
Cineforum Tomorrow: Estado de Sítio (State of Siege)
Tomorrow’s film is a Costa Gavras masterpiece from 1973. The Italian title is L’Americano. Why the Italians have to invent their own, radically different titles for foreign films will always remain one of the great semantic mysteries. O ICBIE, juntamente com a SECULT, através do Projeto Leitura, Arte e Inclusão Digital na Cidade Baixa, gostaria…
Geisiel’s Big Break
As mentioned earlier, ICBIE drawing instructor Geisiel Ramos was chosen to participate in a state-wide art exhibition, the Regional Salon of Visual Art of Bahia. The show opened in Vitoria da Conquista on August 13th, and will run through September 26th, Monday through Saturday, from 8 AM to 9 PM at the Camillo de Jesus…
Cineforum Tomorrow: O Homen que Copiava
Tomorrow night’s Cineforum will show an intriguing film by Jorge Furtado, released in 2003. The story revolves around the compulsions of a young man who works in a shop making photocopies and becomes infatuated with a shopkeeper across the street. Acclaimed by critics and public alike, The Man Who Copied is remembered as one of…
Da Vinci in Ribeira
Here are some new photos that document what happened at another event associated with the big opening ceremonies for our beloved library. In order to give a powerful message to the local community, the Salvador grafita artists (primarily, the indomitable crew from NovaDezOrdem) painted a big wall in Ribeira, all based on the theme of…