Guido’s Birthday in Rome
Yesterday, our friend Guido Altieri, a staunch supporter of ICBIE Europa and webmaster for the galaxy of ICBIE websites in Salvador and Rome, celebrated his birthday with Marlene and her Nó de Marinheiro band members. All the best to Guido from all!
Teatro Máscara Ritual Performance at ICBIE
After Thursday’s presentation-exhibition and Friday’s Cineforum, last night’s Commedia dell’Arte performance Chimici Comici Alchemici represented the culmination of the ICBIE’s share of the Teatro Máscara Ritual Festival, presented by Cia Buffa de Teatro and Bottega Buffa CircoVacanti. The four talented ladies (two Brazilians and two Italians), with their colorful costumes and bizarre masks, presented a…
Theater Festival Inauguration at ICBIE
On Thursday night the ICBIE hosted the inauguration of the Theater-Mask-Ritual Festival, which continues in Salvador for the rest of the month of July. Led by our friends Veronica and Francesca from the group Bottega Buffa CircoVacanti in Trento, together with Joyce from Cia Buffa de Teatro here in Salvador, the evening began with a…
ICBIE Hosts International Seminar “Teatro-Máscara-Ritual”
Our wonderful friends from Trento are back again this year with their exciting theater performances. Tomorrow night their International Seminar begins at the ICBIE, and will continue until the end of the month, with an ambitious schedule of events all around the city. O ICBIE tem o prazer de convidá-los para a abertura do Festival…
ICBIE Cineforum Returns with Patch Adams
After a two week interruption for holidays, the ICBIE Cineforum returns with a new cycle of films for the month of July. This time the theme is “Men and Science” and it kicks off this Friday evening with Robin Williams in Patch Adams (1998). O ICBIE, através do Prêmio Mais Cultura, gostaria de convidá-lo para…
The Big Show at Regina Hotel Baglioni in Rome
The big event was a resounding success! Last night’s ICBIE Roman benefit featured Marlene and the trio Nó de Marinheiro performing on the eighth floor of the ritzy Regina Palace Hotel. With gorgeous weather and a spectacular view of the city, a great crowd of friends and music lovers converged for the special occasion. Tiziana…
Marcella’s Churrasco House Party
Here’s a tasty Sunday report from Salvador, even though, at roughly the same time, Marlene is performing at the ICBIE benefit in Rome… more on that in the coming days. Marcella and Ivanildo invited a crowd of friends to a sumptuous churrasco lunch at her new house. (We had the party on the upper floor,…
Photos of Last Night’s ICBIE Concert in Rome
Thanks to Roberto we already have some photos of last night’s debut concert with Marlene and Nó de Marinheiro at the Beba do Samba in Rome. For those who missed it, there’s another chance, with Sunday’s big bash at the Regina Hotel Baglioni on Via Veneto.
Two ICBIE Concerts in Rome
Tonight Marlene and her friends of the Nó de Marinheiro Ensemble are flying to Rome from Salvador and Thursday night they will give their first concert at Beba do Samba in San Lorenzo! Then next Sunday evening, they will perform again at the Regina Hotel Baglioni on Via Veneto! Both concerts will be splendid occasions,…
Another Feather in Our Cap
L´ICBIE RICEVE IL PREMIO MAIS CULTURA DE PONTOS DE LEITURA DO ESTADO DA BAHIA (English translation below) Oggi, lunedi 20 giugno, Marlene e Marcella hanno partecipato alla cerimonia di premiazione del premio Mais Cultura, concorso lanciato dal MInistero della Cultura Brasiliana in collaborazione con la Segreteria di Cultura dello Stato di Bahia e la Fondazione…