New Offerings
Next Saturday the ICBIE will be hosting two mini-courses offered by the National Service for Commercial Apprenticeships (SENAC). One will teach nail decoration, while the other will deal with cocktail making. By offering new and different courses we can meet the changing needs of our community, imparting concrete skills that can lead to meaningful employment.…
Visio Pontos Show at the ICBIE
INAUGURAZIONE VISIO PONTOS (English translation below) L´inaugurazione del Festival Visio Pontos all´ICBIE ha avuto un buon successo di pubblico. Le attivitá sono state numerose: a partire dal lavoro dei grafiteiros IXLUTX, SINS e MONICA, continuando per l´esposizione dei disegni di Josemar Oliveira e la proiezione dei video di Stefano Barbi Cinti: Ribeira das artes e…
Party Time for ICBIE Europa!
Starting at 8 PM tomorrow night, ICBIE Europa will celebrate with its Roman friends at our favorite Brazilian nightclub, Beba do Samba. It will kick off with an apertif, followed by workshops in Brazilian dances, some literary incursions honoring Black Awareness, and, of course, plenty of music. Above all, it will be an opportunity for…
Donated Computers
DONAZIONE COMPUTER (English translation below) Da alcuni mesi il nostro laboratorio di informatica non era piú funzionante a causa del mancato funzionamento di molti computer ormai vecchi (utilizzavamo ancora quelli ricevuti in donazione dall´ARCI di Reggio Emilia nel lontano 2005 – 2006!!!!), ma a partire da questa settimana c´é una grossa novitá! USINA DIGITAL (http://www.crcbahia.com.br/quem-somos) é…
Captains of the Sand at Tonight’s Cineforum
As part of this month’s cycle dedicated to contemporary Brazilian cinema, tonight’s ICBIE Cineforum presents the 2011 film Capitães da Areia, based upon Jorge Amado’s novel of the same name. It is a gripping story of a gang of abandoned street kids in Salvador during the 1950s. In the series, “nothing ever changes.” O ICBIE gostaria de…
Modigliani Field Trip
In Salvador, on the 10th of October, there was the inauguration of the exhibition “Modigliani, Images of a life” at the Palacete das Artes Rodin, in the city center. The ICBIE staff immediately thought to take advantage of the occasion to organize an art field trip with our professor Francesca. And so, for once, we…
1st ICBIE EBM: Exposition, Bazaar & Music
On October 20th the ICBIE will inaugurate a new kind of in-house cultural activity. Starting at 5 PM there will be an exhibition of beautiful drawings by Josemar Oliveira. But this time, instead of just the usual refreshments and socializing, there will be a bazaar with local handicrafts (with some of the profits going to…