LeiturArte Closing Event
The Itapagipe Peninsula Salutes the LeiturArte Itapagipe Project A Multicultural Event Marks the End of the Season. Last Saturday, May 30th, the ICBIE completed the season of LeiturArte Itapagipe. The project, lasting for five months, was planned last year as part of the Arte em Toda Parte, Second Year, of the Gregorio de Mattos Foundation…
Final LeiturArte Event
The ICBIE Invites Everyone to the Final Event of the LeiturArte Project After five months of intense activity, the project has arrived at its last stage. The event that will mark the end of the project will take place at the ICBIE, and, as always, it will contain many attractions. On Saturday, May 30th, starting…
Marjorie’s Book Presentation
LeiturArte Presents a Young Writer to the Community of the Itapagipe Peninsula Publicity agent, writer and poetess Majorie dos Anjos has left cyberspace to reach the real world. Her book “When the Last Dry Leaf Falls” was available only on the site of the Author’s Club, but now you can find it also on the…
Talking About Us
The blog “The Voice of the Salvador Community” has published a memorandum to remind everyone of the event on the 9th of May that will take place at the ICBIE: http://vozdacomunidadessa.blogspot.com.br/2015/05/icbie-lancara-livro-de-uma-escritora-da.html Therefore, we, too, want to call to mind that on the 9th, as part of the LeiturArte Itapagipe project, our Institute will host the…
Changing the Future
Changing the Future: The LeiturArte Project Presents a Book Written by a Young Lady from the Itapagipe Peninsula Twenty-two year-old Marjorie dos Anjos, working in Publicity, wrote her first book when she was sixteen, and she self-published it. Now LeiturArte gives her the opportunity to present the second edition of her book, When the Last…
ICBIE at AOSR in Italy
After more than eight years, the connection between ICBIE and the American Overseas School of Rome (AOSR) is still alive, thanks to the efforts of four AOSR teachers who, over the years, have come to Salvador as ICBIE volunteers. Yesterday afternoon, Rosa de Bellis, Daniele Dattilo, Sandrine Le Bail and Lars Rahm led a “Booster…
LeiturArte Awards
LEITURARTE AWARDS PRIZES FOR THE WORKS OF EMERGING ARTISTS The LeiturArte competition has arrived to the phase of evaluation of the works, but the date for the presentation of awards has been set. This Saturday, April 18th, everyone is invited to know the earth’s new writers. The ICBIE received 58 works for the LeiturArte competition,…
Guided Tours
GUIDED TOURS OF THE LEONARDO DA VINCI INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY AMONG THE ATTRACTIONS OF THE CITY FESTIVAL The ICBIE has received a much larger number of visitors than normal during the last week in March. The reason? Salvador’s birthday and the activities of LeiturArte. You should already now what is happening at the ICBIE, wIth LeiturArte,…
Download the Regulations for the Literary Competition
To download the Regulations for the Literary Competition, click here! Regulamento concurso literário (pdf)Baixa o regulamento do concurso, clicando aqui! Regulamento concurso literário (pdf)Scarica il regolamento del concorso cliccando qui! Regulamento concurso literário