ICBIE Cineforum 2016
[:en]The Friday night tradition of the ICBIE Cineforum returns: projections of movies with an introduction and followed by a debate and comments from the public. To jump start the series, we have chosen a film that deals with a little known aspect of Brazil’s history: the attempt by France to colonize the country and transform…
Program of Activities
[:en]PROGRAM OF ICBIE ACTIVITIES — (1st SEMESTER 2016) =ITALIAN COURSE AT BASIC LEVEL – Begins on Saturday 27/02/2016 from 8.30 to 10.30 -ITALIAN COURSE AT INTERMEDIATE LEVEL – Begins on Saturday 27/02/2016 from 10.30 to 12.30. Depending upon registration requests, the possibility of opening a class during the week will be considered. Days and times…
Lottery Winner!
WINNER OF THE LOTTERY: 10 YEARS OF ICBIE! We communicate to all that the winner of our raffle is Mr. Jair Santos Fonseca, with ticket n° 036, the same number that emerged in the competition of the Federal Lottery on the day 29/12/2015: In the extraction of December 19 (the day indicate in the regulations),…
Capoeira Day and Festival Closure
[:en]At last, here we are at the last day of the Festival, and in one sense, we’re happy to be able to get some rest after all the stress of organizing and presenting three weeks of events, but in another way, we’re already feeling a bit of nostalgia, for the atmosphere of joy and friendship…
Community Day
The next to the last day of the Festival, Saturday, December 19th, was dedicated to the local community and to the important people of the Itapagipe peninsula who helped the ICBIE during the last ten years. There are many who deserved a Leonardo Prize, but this first time required that we selected only the following…
Associations’ Day
Day of National and International Associations and International Partners of the ICBIE While the screen in the exposition hall scrolled through all the photos of the collaborations, projects and activities that we have shared with various national and international associations, on the ICBIE terrace there was an interesting dialog between the following associations: Fabrica Cultural,…
Fashion, Theater and Dance Day
Last Sunday was a busy one at the ICBIE. We opened the event dedicated to Fashion, Theater and Dance with a workshop in re-adapting clothing items from our bazaar (which continues to operate through the 20th of December!). The professional advice given by Sista Katia enchanted the participants with her creations, especially her original and…
Festival of Wine and the Italian Community
Festival of Wine and the Italian Community On Saturday, December 12th, the day began early at the ICBIE, to prepare everything necessary to receive the guests and the people invited, who were expected to arrive in the afternoon. At 2:30, we opened the doors of our institute to the Italian community and to our other…
Language Day
On Wednesday, December 9th, the ICBIE organized an evening to talk about the Institute’s language courses, primarily in English and Italian, bringing together friends, alumni and guests. The students who followed the English course this year, led by Prof. Loona Tirabassi, presented a lively multi-lingual sketch to underline the importance of studying a foreign language…
Arts Day
Street and Plastic Arts Day The day dedicated to the arts, Friday, December 11th, began at the ICBIE with the activity of the graffiti artists, coordinated by Júlio Costa in the Institute’s open space. We were surprised by Salvador’s new talents, and even more because they were girls. While we waited for artists to arrive,…