Another Exposition: This Time Its Nigeria

Darton X Exhibition Poster

Darton X Exhibition Poster

Darton X Exhibition Poster

A veritable avalanche of art has cascaded upon the hapless residents of Ribeira, hailing down from all directions, first from Berlin, then the Chapas, and now from Nigeria.  In just a matter of hours, the ICBIE doors will open to an exhibition of works by Darton X, a Nigerian who hails from the Ondo state, but who just happened to leave his home for Italy, where he studied electronics and art.  Twenty years ago, he moved to Bahia and briefly embarked on a career in the electronics business before he decided to dedicate his life to art.   His works have been shown in San Francisco and L.A.

The exposition will be open to the public through November the 22nd, Sundays excluded.

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