An ICBIE Cineform Tackles Right Wing Italian Politics

Politics seems to be on everybody’s mind these days: first, there’s the run-off vote for Salvador’s mayor; the US campaign is under daily scrutiny all around the world; and Italians are getting used to their new government, the most conservative in sixty years.   Acting as a kind of cultural thermometer, the ICBIE decided to tap into the public frenzy, offering an in-depth reflection upon a very pertinent political issue, going beyond the false promises and slogans, the sound bytes and the jingles.

Cineforum, Fall 2008

A new ICBIE Cineforum presents eight Italian films that deal with the subject of Italian Fascism or Neo-Fascism from 1922 until the present.  Every Friday evening, from the 10th of October to the 28th of November, our students and friends will hear Pietro Gallina’s presentations before each film, putting the stories in their proper historical and cultural perspectives.   Given the wide variety of directors, actors and actresses, the political struggles of the Italian people will be seen from many different viewpoints, and this will certainly give our Bahians plenty of food for thought.

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