Alagados Buzz

MArte Alagados Web

It’s always nice to see that the message is spreading.  Who would ever have imagined that a sleek and trendy Italian website would be talking about art in the Alagados?  That impenetrable conglomeration of stilt houses, a symbol of exclusion and rejection, came to life last August, when Júlio organized an amazing peaceful invasion of Nova10Ordem graffiti artists and ICBIE volunteers, making a day of celebration that transformed the drab and weatherbeaten shacks into a brilliant panoply of street art.

Thanks to the hundreds of photos snapped by the ICBIE volunteers, news of this amazing social art project is attracting more and more attention.  After the exhibit at the American Overseas School of Rome, Monica, Marcella and Loona at the ICBIE Europa office have organized showings all around Rome, in social centers and night clubs.  During the exhibition at the Casetta Rossa in Garbatella last month, a journalist from MArteLive, the web magazine of the Italian NGO Procult, which works to bring young people into the world of theater, music and art, wrote this touching article:

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