After All the Art, a Book and a Film

Lives at Risk Book Launch

This Friday evening at 6:30 PM the ICBIE will be hosting a book presentation and a video projection; both events are focused on local realities in the city of Salvador.  The book Lives at Risk: When Violence and Crime Threaten the Public and Private World was written by two sociology professors at the Federal University of Bahia, the Italo-Brazilian Gino Tapparelli and the Profesora Ceci Vilar Noronha.  The product of more than a dozen years of research in the poor areas of Salvador, it provides an exhaustive study of lawlessness and violence, and their devastating effect on communities.  The film Next Stop Salvador de Bahia was realized by our friends at ARCI in Reggio Emilia, together with Telereggio and the Fuori orario (After Hours) artistic circles.  The film documents the work that ARCI is carrying out in the Novo Marotinho district of Salvador, where they offer education, sport and music activities.

After all the street art, Friday’s event will be quite a contrast.

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