A Party, A Visit and a Happy Couple

Cau, Zenilda & Pietro

Here is a mixed bag of news from the summer in Bahia, starting with a wonderful, feel-good story.  For years, Pietro has been friends with a very impressive local man named Cau, a fellow who garners instant respect, not only because of his imposing physique, but also for his deeply informed insights into the plights and challenges facing the Afro-Brazilian people in Salvador.  Recently, Cau proudly mentioned that his sister Zenilda had just become a fully-certified lawyer, so Pietro, thrilled to know that a woman from an impoverished neighborhood could attain such success, offered to open the ICBIE to host a proper party in her honor.

Zenilda Party Zenilda Party

Cau Zenilda Party

On another front, the illustrious Italian artist Guido Daniele recently paid his fourth visit to the ICBIE, this time to simply thank Pietro for the help that the ICBIE offered him, by hosting a big exhibition of his live body painting and other works, which marked his first success in Brazil.  Since then, he has become world famous, and his unique Manimali (human hands painted in a way to startlingly resemble animals) have been adopted by AT&T for its global roaming publicity campaign, carrying him to Japan, France, Germany, the UK, Venezuela and Cuba.  His ties with the ICBIE have been held tight, because of one of our students, Adriana, who, after her Italian lessons at the ICBIE, became his favorite model.  This affirmation has transformed her into a poised and confident young lady who speaks impeccable Italian.

Guido, Adriana & Pietro

Guido, Julio, Thais & Pietro Guido Daniele AT&T

And to close, a sweet little bit of gossip!  Two of our most faithful students, the inimitable Bogus and charming Monica are engaged!  Of course, the entire ICBIE community wishes them infinite happiness!

Bogus & Monica

Lu, Bogus & Monica


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