ICBIE Photo Exhibit: Another Kind of Street Art

Manhole Museum

As everybody knows, the ICBIE has always supported street art, and its graffiti artists have become a source of great pride to us.   But now we’re concentrating on another less than obvious source of art that can be found on urban thoroughfares: manhole covers!  Our friend and kindred soul Stefano Bottoni has come to Salvador again, and he brought a beautiful collection of photographs, taken in the cloisters of San Paolo in Ferrara, where he presented an exhibition called The International Manhole Museum, showing his collection of real cast-iron manholes, collected from all over Europe, from Spain to the Baltic to Greece.  These often ignored sewer covers nonetheless reveal striking designs, beautifully cast, with heraldic stems and historic mottos.

The exhibition will open at 7 PM on Friday, November 21nd, with the customary vernissage, and will remain open to the public through November 30th.

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