The Three Little Pigs

Three Little Pigs

In the midst of the frenetic preparations for the International Graffiti Meeting, on Thursday evening the ICBIE hosted a theater production of The Three Little Pigs, providing a delightful distraction from all the pressure.  The play grew out of Claire’s English classes and was truly a group project, with everyone contributing ideas for the story, building the characters, composing their dialogues, and then deciding upon costumes, music and staging.  The big bad wolf had to be split in two, because both Julio and Nadson were perfect for the role.  The result was a delirious mix of Bahian English and slapstick comedy, with the revelatory brilliance of our student actors eclipsing everything else.

Three Little Pigs Three Little Pigs

Three Little Pigs

Three Little Pigs Pietro & Claire

Sadly, the performance also marked the completion of Claire’s wonderful classes.  Everyone is so grateful for her help in all the different ICBIE activities.  Her enthusiasm, dedication and gentle disposition conquered everyone, from the very first minute, and her classes kept our students very busy, perfectly filling the gap between Louise’s departure and Mary Overby’s arrival–her lessons begin next week!  We hope that Claire will imitate Mary… and come back to the ICBIE again and again!

Uma resposta para “The Three Little Pigs”

  1. O que pena nao ser no icbie pra a peça de Claire e seus alonos!!!!!
    Sono sicura che sarà stato divertentissimo, inutile dire la saudade che sento: l’atmosfera e la magia delle serate in ICBIE sono ineguagliabili ed indescrivibili!Spero di vedervi dinuovo tutti molto presto e a Claire posso solo dire….vengo presto a trovarti a Palermo!!!!
    un abbraccio a tutti

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