ICBIE meets the Pan American School of Bahia

This morning, Pietro and Roy drove over to the Pan American School of Bahia to meet with the Headmaster Dennis Klumpff and the Community Service Director Maria Mandolini.  By a fortuitous coincidence, PASB and the American Overseas School of Rome are connected, because AOSR’s Head Beth Pfannl and its new Upper School Principal Tom Connolly previously worked with Dennis at American Schools in Rio and in Paraguay, where they formed lasting bonds of friendship.  As a result, Roy was able to enlist Beth’s help in arranging a meeting.

We were received very warmly indeed, and everyone immediately saw the many advantages of strengthening all sides of the ICBIE-PASB-AOSR triangle.  In more than two hours of intense conversation, a number of exciting plans were sketched out.  We also enjoyed meeting Lon Bove, PASB’s dynamic music teacher.  Next Thursday afternoon, Dennis, Maria and Lon will be coming to the ICBIE to visit, and our new collaboration will gain even more steam.

A big ICBIE thank you to Beth, Dennis and Maria.  Parabens!

Maria and Pietro


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