Fix-Up Clean-Up for the New School Year

Rennovations for 2013

(English translation below)

Anche per il 2013 l’inizio dell´anno ha significato, per  l´ICBIE, realizzare alcuni lavori di manutenzione e rinnovamento degli spazi.  Grazie ancora una volta al contributo dei nostri sostenitori più fedeli e grazie all’ormai da anni consolidato sostegno della Scuola Media Moscati di Roma, siamo riusciti a dare nuovo colore alle sale dell’ICBIE, organizzare in maniera piú efficiente l’impianto audio e di proiezione e prepararci, dunque, all’inizio delle normali attivitá dell’Associazione.

Grazie ancora a voi per il sostegno e per la collaborazione!


Once again in 2013, the beginning of the year has meant, for the ICBIE, doing various maintenance and renovation work on our facilities.  Thanks once again to the contributions of our most faithful supporters and thanks to the ongoing support of the Moscati Middle School in Rome, we have been able to put a fresh coat of paint in the classrooms of the ICBIE and also organize the sound and projection system more efficiently, so as to prepare ourselves for the start of the regular activities of the Association.

Thanks again to you, for your support and collaboration!

Rennovations for 2013 Rennovations for 2013

Rennovations for 2013 Rennovations for 2013

Rennovations for 2013 Rennovations for 2013

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