Where’s the Beauty? – Photography by Marco Illuminati

Marco Illuminati is a dear friend of the ICBIE in Salvador.  His passion for photography is wed with his deep understanding of the city’s most difficult areas, and his work aims to capture the depth of human emotions he has encountered there, despite the terrible emargination caused by poverty and the lack of education.   An exposition of 36 works will be displayed at the Pierre Verger Gallery in Salvador starting on Friday.  The name of the show is “Where’s the Beauty?” and it features portraits of women from the Subúrbio Ferraviário.

Marco Illuminati Expo

o ICBIE com grande prazer convida todos vocês para prestigiar o trabalho do nosso querido amigo, o fotografo Marco Illuminati, participando na inauguração da exposição “Cadê a bonita”.

A abertura acontecerá sexta feira, dia 26 de outubro as 19h na Galeria Pierre Verger, rua General Labatut, 47 – Barris

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