Welcome, Celeste!

Celeste & Marlene with the boys

What a great kickoff for the new year! On January 3rd, the ICBIE team acquired a wonderful new player, and she immediately set off a fresh wave of enthusiasm that has everyone smiling. Celeste Chia (the radiant lady on the left in the photo above) comes to us through the new partnership with Rhythm of Hope and she is on their Board of Directors. Born in Singapore and a resident of Barcelona, she has recently resigned from an executive position in a multi-national corporate insurance company, to dedicate her life to assisting the impoverished people of the favelas. Although she is new to Salvador and needs to explore its secrets, her dynamic presence has already helped to fill the gaps: she is teaching English language classes two days a week, besides observing all the ICBIE activities and studying our whole operational organization. With such professional skill and experience, she will certainly provide us with precious advice, as we chart ICBIE’s future.

This is what she has to say about her experiences so far:

I must say that I feel really good here at ICBIE. Pietro, Marlene and his team have been wonderful. A friend and ex-colleague of mine joined me here for 4 days and she was absolutely touched by the people and her experience, so much that she will be returning at the end of the month for a few more days. Another ex-colleague heard about our experience and will also be joining. One of the ICBIE members took us to a favela in Massamanduba by bicycle and that was a good eye-opening experience for us. Of course, I have also managed to enjoy myself in the company of my new friends in the Pelorinho and on nice beaches.

I´m currently giving English classes twice a week at ICBIE and I must say, the group is just getting bigger! My students are really enthusiastic, which is so nice to see. I´ve spoken to Pietro about ICBIE´s objectives and their current concerns about running and maintaining the institute. I am now trying to see how I can assist in helping ICBIE strengthen its foundations and find ways to keep the Institute running for the next years. Tomorrow, we plan to meet to discuss operational strategies.

Celeste also participated in the latest stage of remodeling, decorating the activity room behind the institute. She writes,

The ICBIE design team – Bigode, Julio, Pietro, Marlene and 3 eager helpers (Jobson, Veronique and Celeste) begin with a brainstorming session to decide the images to be painted or graffitied onto one wall of the activity room. The team worked well together, each individual being flexible and open to new ideas. Our key objectives were to illustrate depth through 3-dimentional drawings; and to evoke a feeling of familiarity for the residents of Ribeira and neighbouring towns. The Activity Hall is a place that welcomes all, a home to anyone who wants to learn and to improve their lives.

Bigode and Julio, our graffiti maestros led the team, initially drafting their ideas onto large boards, which took less than 1/2 hour – highly impressive. They then transferred their ideas onto the walls, with Bigode using spray cans and Julio using paints. Jobson, Veronique and Celeste spent most of the time watching, in awe, although they were made to work a little as you can see in the photos.

The main bulk of the work was completed in two days, although a part of the wall is yet to be finished. The ICBIE design team did have a few laughs along the way with Pietro introducing very different ´alternative/theatre´ music (Pietro, do correct me if I´m wrong) to the crew. Julio, Bigode and Jobson, during their breaks managed to teach Veronique and Celeste the first moves in Capoeira and techniques on playing the Berimbau.

The Activity Hall is looking a lot better with dark blue floors. With some touch up here and there, it most likely will look its best by the time the students return from their holidays. Augusto had in fact already begun his summer classes in Hapkido on the 9th. Things are looking colourful and are moving forward!



Veronique at workPietro the Supervisor

Bigode & Julio SketchingJobson & Julio

Uma resposta para “Welcome, Celeste!”

  1. Well deserved CC -Congrats and to all the Ribiera crew keep on with the enthusiam and great work. It says to be contagious. Can’t wait to see the final masterpiece. Vx

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