All Our Busy People

As the ICBIE saga progresses through year after challenging year, the greatest satisfactions come from the the people who are part of our passionate community.  With the rewards that they inevitably reap, out there in the real world, we rejoice.

Take the example of Thais Muniz.  Her connection to the ICBIE could be regarded as tenuous, as she has never frequented ICBIE courses or taken a direct role in our initiatives, yet, ever since she came into Júlio’s life, her dynamism has been a constant source of energy and optimism for all of us.  So, the news  that tomorrow she is making her debut as a fashion reporter on the popular TV program TUDO AV  on SBT Bahia (TV Aratu), well, that  just makes us jump for joy!

Thais Estrella

Thousands of miles away, in the south of Italy, another person on the ICBIE fringe, Ivanildo Viana, is giving a capoeira workshop in Ostuni this weekend.  Even on his honeymoon with Marcella, he was eager to promote the culture of Bahia.  His Italian has improved dramatically, too, and he will undoubtedly leave a deep impression on all the participants in this singular workshop.

Ivanildo Ostuni Capoeira

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